Friday, May 8, 2020

What Makes a Soldier Good?

What Makes a Soldier Good?In answering the question 'what makes a soldier good' we must consider what makes a soldier. From the standards set by his society, he must have courage, sacrifice, a commitment to the common good, and most importantly of all; a love for country.Above all else, he must be honest. It is true that the requirements for military service are harsh and difficult. For those who get into it with an open mind and a heart full of love for their country, there is nothing they cannot accomplish. If you are one of these exceptional people, who has always thought things through before making a decision, and who never reaches for the easy way out, you are probably better off without this book.A good soldier lives his life by their own set of rules. To become a good soldier one must learn what is right and wrong, right from wrong, no matter what the circumstances. After all, a soldier is not allowed to follow anyone else's rule if they do not feel right about it, or perhaps they do not know the importance of that rule either.A good soldier knows that in times of war, the very fact that he does not like what he is doing may be the best thing that could happen to him, because he knows his responsibilities. They include giving of oneself for the greater good of others. This is what makes the personal sacrifice that a soldier puts forth so admirable.Another trait that any good soldier must possess is that he or she must be able to see the bigger picture. The greater good that he or she serves may not be realized immediately. But at the end of the day, whether the world is safer or worse off after a war or conflict is decided upon by our leaders, the outcome is the same.Lastly, a good soldier must also be able to accept that the world can be unfair and that he may sometimes be the only one who can do something about it. Being able to work through such adversity with a smile is a trait that the best soldiers possess. Such strength of character is what defin es a true soldier. Such strength is why we continue to need them.No matter what nationality you might belong to, being a good soldier is not something you can learn. It is something that is born from within, and that is what makes them so special.In writing an essay answering 'what makes a soldier good,' ask yourself what you expect the answers to be. Be aware that your expectations might not be the same as another person's. What is important is that you have the strength of character to understand that everyone has different sets of rules, and that having the courage to live with integrity is the mark of a truly great man.

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