Monday, December 30, 2019

Do the Ends Justify the Means - 1115 Words

Robert Sasson Final Paper ENG 2800 12-09-09 Do the Ends Justify the Means? Literature is often a vehicle for social commentary. Two works of literature that express criticism of practices in the society in which they were written are Niccolo Machiavelli’s Mandragola and the Gospel According to Saint Matthew. In his satirical comedy, Machiavelli indirectly criticizes the hypocritical practices of the Catholic Church; however, Jesus in the Gospel According to Saint Matthew instead directly condemns all evil deeds, few of which are criticized in Mandragola. The main difference between the two criticisms is that Machiavelli believes if positive ends are the product of corrupt†¦show more content†¦Jesus explains the material world is merely temporary, so don’t treasure it because it won’t be here forever, and instead place emotional attention on the pleasures of the next world. Analyzing Timoteo’s actions in Mandragola we see he has fallen short of understanding the advice of Jesus, more concerned with the monetary gain s for himself, instead of using good Christian judgment. Unlike Machiavelli, Jesus is encouraging people to stop all bad behavior at the start. We see Jesus’ initiative to prevent evil deeds at its foundation, â€Å"You have heard that it was said to those in ancient times, ‘You shall not murder’; and ‘whoever murders shall be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you that if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be liable to judgment; and if you insult a brother or sister, you will be liable to the council; and if you say, ‘You fool,’ you will be liable to hell of fire† (Matthew 5:21-22). Here Jesus makes clear that he wants his followers to be conscious of the words they use, seeing that being hostile or insulting a person is preemptive to murder and attaining unfavorable ends. In Mandragola, Timoteo knows that he is acting as an accomplice in facilitating adultery between the sex-hungry Callimaco and the married Lucrezi a. Nonetheless he chooses toShow MoreRelatedDo the Ends Ever Justify the Means?1295 Words   |  6 PagesDo the Ends Ever Justify the Means? When I first heard about the book The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, I thought it was just a reading assignment when I was in high school that I had to complete for a grade. As I began reading I became particularly interested in Henrietta Lacks and the HeLa cells. In The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Rebecca Skloot talks about Henrietta Lacks and how her cells were taken without her permission, and how her family suffered afterwards. Skloot shows howRead More Social Influence Research - Do the Ends Justify the Means? Essay865 Words   |  4 PagesSocial Influence Research - Do the Ends Justify the Means? 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Black Boy By Richard Wright - 1220 Words

Black Boy Research Paper Richard Wright was born after the Civil War but before the Civil Right Era. If he were writing an autobiography titled Black Boy Today (2016) about a black boy growing up in the United States, he would write about racial profiling against blacks, the wide education gap between black and white, and the unequal job opportunities for blacks. If Wright was to write Black Boy today, he would examine the phenomenon of racial profiling because it is one of the most serious and longstanding issue in today’s society. Many black are being targeted for suspicion of crime, and in some cases, murdered by a law enforcement officials because of their race. On August 9, 2014, a white police officer named Darren Wilson shot an unarmed black teenager named Michael Brown multiple times in Ferguson, Missouri. According to the news article â€Å"From Ferguson to Charleston and Beyond, Anguish about Race Keep Building† by Lydia Polgreen, even though there was a video tape showing that the black teenager was unarmed, the grand jury still decided not to indict the police office because they believed the old assumption that African Americans are more likely to be criminals. â€Å"Grand juries have tended to give the benefit of the doubt to police officers. National polls revealed deep divisions in how whites and blacks viewed t he facts in each case. Whites were more likely to believe officers’ accounts justifying the use of force. Blacks tended to see deeper forces at work:Show MoreRelatedBlack Boy By Richard Wright1590 Words   |  7 PagesLiterature 12/5/11 Black Boy Analysis Essay Richard Wright s autobiography Black Boy is a book that narrates Wright’s life growing up as an African-American in the woods of Mississippi during Jim Crow laws. Many African Americans were Wright were from faced financial struggles. These tough living circumstances greatly affected his youth. Black Boy examines the tough times Wrights and his family faced. Wrights tough youth seemed to have a huge affect on Wrights life. It is story of one boy’sRead MoreBlack Boy By Richard Wright Essay758 Words   |  4 Pages1 December 2016 Black Boy Essay In the world, segregation and oppression has always been a problem. Moreover, blacks have been treated inhumanely and terribly for years. Especially for Richard, he always gets treated like trash and beaten even when he does nothing wrong. He is even discriminated against by other blacks for being different and having an opinion. In Black Boy by Richard Wright, Richard is trying to convey how white people, in particular, dictate everything blacks do and how it drasticallyRead MoreBlack Boy by Richard Wright533 Words   |  2 Pages Richard Wright chooses the title â€Å"Black Boy† to describe how his life was when he was going up by his race of his color. To me he chooses the title black to get people action and to get the mind wondering an thinking why is this book named black boy. Back in the day when Richard was growing up there was a lot of racism going on. Black people was not getting treated right at all to the white man they just looked like pets to them. The y looked like they weren’t worth nothing to them notRead MoreBlack Boy By Richard Wright1827 Words   |  8 Pagesdifferent. In the 1900s, blacks were constantly treated sub-humanly by whites. In his memoir Black Boy, Richard Wright writes of the struggles of growing up a black boy in the south during that time and the mental strain it causes. Wright uses his narration to express the difference between what someone says and and what they think or feel and how the lack of ability to fully express himself was a prime cause of alienation. As a young boy, Wright didn’t know that, as a black boy in the south, in orderRead MoreBlack Boy By Richard Wright2269 Words   |  10 Pagesautobiography Black Boy by Richard Wright, the narrator uses many examples to display his lack of hunger in the world. Wright was an African American boy who grew up in South during the early 1900’s, a time period known as the Jim Crow laws era. These laws depicted racial discrimination and segregation against Black people portraying racist turmoil in United States history. It was a difficult task for Wright to grow up in the South being an African American during this time period. Wright was born intoRead MoreBlack Boy By Richard Wright1597 Words   |  7 Pagesgood and bad, that have shaped their community to show that they are more than just a race. Some periods in time such as the segregated South and the Vietnam War have shaped and changed the lives of many African American families. Black Boy, a memoir by Richard Wright, ta lks about his youth and experience in the segregated South. Bloods by Wallace Terry, on the other hand, showcases a collection of stories, events, and experiences of African Americans that have gone through the Vietnam War. BothRead MoreBlack Boy By Richard Wright2203 Words   |  9 Pages Black Boy by Richard Wright is a well written novel that talks about him growing up in the Jim Crow south. By the title you know he is African American and living in the Jim crow south he soon found out that white folks were about to do more and were better than blacks. The two races were not equal and blacks were often discriminated, hated, and punished for the most simple things. Many were punished for simple things such as looking the wrong way at a white women, things that in todays societyRead MoreHeroic: Black Boy by Richard Wright1416 Words   |  6 PagesIn Richard Wright’s Black Boy, you see not only the transformation of a young boy going into adulthood, but a fascinating story of a hero on a journey to discover his true identity and his part in society. â€Å"Heroism is not about rising to the top, fighting for ones rightful place in society, but rather about making ones society and ones self whole. There is, however, also the notion that the right person can solve even global problems single-handedly. If the right person attempts such a feat, itRead MoreRichard Wright s Black Boy1310 Words   |  6 Pagesbetter life. Richard Wright from the book Black Boy, John H. Johnson from the article Celebrating the Life and Legacy of John H. Johnson 1918-2005 and many other people listed in the article Whose Canon? Gwendolyn Brooks: Founder at the center of Margins, have experienced this first hand. But in the end, aspirations lead to accomplishments if you have the power to overcome others doubts. Black Boy, an autobiography written by Richard Wright, shows the effects of an aspiring young boy. Education forRead MoreAnalysis Of Black Boy By Richard Wright914 Words   |  4 PagesRichard Wright’s autobiography, Black Boy, published in 1945, focuses on his journey as a young black male growing up in the South. Wright, born in 1908, details the struggles he experienced throughout his early life, allowing the reader to gain a wider understanding of this time period. He adopts the social critic mode, powerfully commenting on societal issues, especially concentrating on race, gender, and religion. Wright uses social critic mode to emphasize the racial divide in the South during

Friday, December 13, 2019

Sleep Deprivation and Teenagers Free Essays

As a teenager and a first year post-secondary student, I can argue that as we get older, our amount of sleep gradually decreases. You have probably heard of the saying â€Å"The More, The Merrier,† and you might assume that according to this research paper, it means â€Å"The More Sleep, The Better,† but in reality and as a society, we believe that it means if you work more, do more, and do everything as fast as possible, you will achieve great success. The problem is that we have adapted to such a negative and wrong motto that it is affecting each and every single one of us teenagers. We will write a custom essay sample on Sleep Deprivation and Teenagers or any similar topic only for you Order Now We need to be reminded of the consequences sleep deprivation has on important aspects of our lives, such as both mental and physical well-being, school, jobs, family, and relationships. Millions of students seek ways to keep themselves awake for a longer period of time and throughout the day. Popular culture has responded to our needs by creating material goods such as energy drinks, coffee, electronics, and pills. It might keep individuals awake and might make them believe that they are full of energy, but at what point does the body and mind get the required nine hours of rest in order to function to its maximum capability? Students prioritize their lives but health seems to be one of the last on their mind. A recent survey by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that, â€Å"only 15% of teenagers regularly get the nine hours of sleep they need each night† (Foldvary-Schaefer, p. 9). This means Bhullar 2 that the other 85% are falling beneath the required amount. Lack of sleep can mean that the body is more vulnerable to diseases and virus attacks. At the same time it can interfere with memory, concentration, mood swings, mental abilities, and weight gain, just to name a few. Such things can lead to other problems like bulimia, loss of job, failure in school, and physical accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are as many as 100,000 car crashes every year involving a drowsy driver. Over half of the crashes involved adolescence (Thorpy, p. 6). If you give attention to the transformation between early years of elementary school and later years in secondary school, you’ll notice the change in sleeping habit and workload. The younger you are, the earlier you fall asleep; the older you are, and the later you fall asleep. As our bodies hit puberty, it experiences a shift in circadian rhythm, the body’s 24-hour clock (Behrens, p. 469). This means that younger children tend to feel tired around eight or nine at night, where as teenagers’ circadian clocks shift to a later sleep time of ten or eleven at night. The need to feel more like adults, by having an active night life seems to only add to the late night sleep. And on the other hand, movies, television programs, internet surfing, facebook-ing, and texting are added to the normalized lifestyle. Our school systems also play a big part in loss of sleep. Secondary schools and Post-Secondary schools have a stronger workload than that of elementary schools. Although you might believe that the amount of homework that students are assigned is the main reason that older students are sleep deprived or buried in books, it is not. The second reason is the scheduling. Older teenagers are expected to attend school at an earlier time, and complete all course assigned homework. At the same time they are expected to study to achieve high grades Bhullar 3 in order to start a career, to work at a job in order to learn the responsibilities as young adults, to succeed at making their parents proud, and to have a good time in order to enjoy life. As generations are introduced to the world, our culture continues to be developed. Parents believe that adolescence have an easy stress-free life and should be capable of achieving success by spending the least amount of time to achieve it. When in reality, adolescence are living a life almost identical to those of adults, and if anything, adults have fewer stresses. It is most likely that every house hold has at least one family issue which causes stress upon the children. Grown-ups, or people in general who are involved in these issues, seem to be blind to the affect it has upon others within the family. These kinds of situations also have an impact on sleeping habits and teenagers. The environment that we are surrounded by day-to-day is what influences the way we think. Apart from the relationship between family members, adolescence in different communities are maturing a lot faster and creating bonds between themselves and a mate a lot earlier in their lives. What is lost in this process for young teenagers is the knowledge of the negative affects that these relationships that they create have on their lives. It creates more responsibilities, therefore more stress. In a first person’s point of view, when you are in a serious and deep relationship, it can control the way you feel and act. Teenagers tend to be more stubborn, which means that if there is an issue in the relationship, they are most likely going to withstand talking to each other which, in most cases, causes problems falling asleep. Responsibilities are one of the key elements to life, and with it you may get something in return. Money being one of the outcomes requires knowledge in how to earn it, save it, and spend it. As parents, it is an important facet to life that should be taught at an early age in order Bhullar 4 to master it when you are older. Because of this, more and more young teens are forced to get a job and pay for their wants and needs on their own. There are two main points to this idea. The first being that a job alone would cause a lot of stress on an individual and if there is an issue, whether it has to do with the job or something else, it would cause problems that may lead to a loss of employment. Teenagers already struggle with stress, and working harder to keep a job or having to live off of what you have saved up because you may have lost your job, would only add to it. If you pay attention to the thinking process that adolescence must go through almost every day, it can or may have already resulted in stress. As I have previously stated, stress results in sleep deprivation. â€Å"We can’t learn to sleep less. While some people might adapt to sleep loss, and sleep necessity varies, sleep is biological function. There is no substitute for it† (Foldvary-Schaefer, p. 6). Although there are many consequences that are created by loss of sleep, there are ways that we are able to fix these problems. The main cure is simply sleep. But for those of us teenagers who have made it a habit to fall asleep late at night and wake up early in the morning, we are able to re-prioritize our lives. We are able to do things to release the stress that keeps us awake at night, and we are still able to enjoy life to its fullest. What we need to do is sleep at least eight or nine hours of sleep a night, if we need to take a nap, take one no longer than twenty to thirty minutes long before three in the afternoon. Exercise or go for a run two to three hours before going to bed in order to release any worried thoughts or stress. Limit your caffeine intake and try to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol as much as possible. Don’t go to sleep hungry, nor go to sleep on a full stomach, and take a nice relaxing shower before getting ready for bed to calm your entire body (Foldvary-Schaefer, p. 195). Bhullar 5 Sleep may not seem as important as it is, but without sleep, we wouldn’t get anywhere in life. Teenagers need to be aware of the consequences it has on our physical and mental health, school, jobs, family, and relationships if we were to let our body suffer from loss of sleep. Our body and mind need the right amount of hours of rest in order for us to feel fresh and able to complete and deal with tasks that are given throughout the day. We should try and avoid as much stress as possible and make an effort to clear our minds before settling down at the end of the night. As of now, we should all adapt to a more positive motto: â€Å"If you work more, do more, and do everything as fast as possible, you will achieve great success, as long as you let your body recover from a long hard day’s work and give your mind a good night’s rest. † How to cite Sleep Deprivation and Teenagers, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Rapid Prototyping Comes Of

Question: Discuss about the Case Study related to rapid Prototyping. Anwer: Introduction The report focuses on a case study related to rapid prototyping. The aim of this report is to highlight the project management issues of the case study. Frank Billing dreamt of building of rapid prototyping [1]. His dream job was to work for a rapid prototype machine development as he realized its potential in the marketplace. After completion of the Engineering degree, he went for a job at Cocable to clear his debts and school loans. After working with the company for three years, he finally got the chance to work on rapid prototyping. The Case study assessment is elaborated in the following paragraphs. Case Study Assessment Problem Definition Frank worked day and night for three months to build the machines according to the specifications. However, the machine failed to perform in its test run although it was built according to the specification. This mainly occurred because of a problem detected in the CAD model. The length of the model was 62 inches long, while the actual length should have been 55 inches. This made the project fail drastically and redesigning of the RP machines would have taken a lot of time and money. This resulted in entire project running late and in over budget. Therefore, lesson learnt from this case is that, it is utmost essential to have a clear picture of the requirements and specifications of a particular project. Possible Causes of the problem The possible causes of the problem is listed below- 1) Franks machines were optimized for a length of 48 inches and 55 inches were marked to be the safe length. 62 inches went outside the range. 2) The machines if redesigned would have required different processors, actuators and adhesion process, which would have gone out of budget [2]. 3) A proper project management plan was not considered for developing the prototype model. 4) Thorough research about the specification of the project was not properly performed before the project initiation. 5) The project requirements were not properly clarified. The specification of the rapid Prototyping machines were given to Frank and he right away started working on it without clarifying the requirements with the company further [3]. 6) The scope of the project was not clearly defined. Frank did not take any follow up with the company after initiating the work on the project. This was one of the major causes of the problems faced with the project. It was essential to ensure that the project scope is correct by developing a proper project plan and strategic approach to the development of the rapid prototype machines. This was significantly important since the machines were to be built for airplane engines and there could not be any room for error [4]. 7) Another major cause of the project failure was the tight schedule. Developing the machines according to the specifications was essential and they were needed to be perfect. Developing a perfect product requires a considerable amount of time that was not given to Frank. Frank worked day and night to build the machines and the tight schedule left little room for undergoing a proper testing phase. 8) The machines were not tested before the test run. System testing is necessary for every product to be developed as it reveals the bugs present in a system. Frank was not entirely at fault for this issue as it was not possible to perform proper testing procedures of the machines. However, being a developer, he should have considered performing at least the essential testing phases of the machine development. This could have saved him from the embarrassment, and time loss [5]. After considering the probable causes of the problem, it can be well understood that it was fault of the entire project management team. Lack of proper project management plan and systemic methodologies was the source of the problem. Therefore, the payment for the changes should be Cocable and Frank can be charged a fine for not following the specifications of the machine properly [6]. Recommendations Steps that could have been taken to avoid the problems stated above are listed below- 1) Cocable should have held regular meetings with Frank to know about the project progress. This could have helped in identifying the problem in the initial phase of development. 2) Frank should have clarified the specification with the company before initiating the project 3) Frank should have developed a proper project management plan before project initiation. This could have helped in identifying the tight schedule of the project and could have helped him in clarifying for extra time. 4) The project should not have been done in a tight schedule as it was mainly built for an airplane and the perfection of the machines was important. 5) Cocable should have given this project to an experienced RP machine developer [7]. Conclusion Therefore, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that there were a varied number of loophole in the project management and execution of the project. The problem with the newly developed rapid prototype machines could have been identified in the development stage if proper testing of the machines were performed. This could have also saved Cocable from significant loss of time and money. Frank did a mistake of knot crosschecking the specifications and the testing the RP machine he was building. The damage could have been controlled or avoided if the project was not executed in a tight schedule References I. Campbell, D. Bourell and I. Gibson, "Additive manufacturing: rapid prototyping comes of age",Rapid Prototyping Journal, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 255-258, 2012. Pham, Duc, and Stefan S. Dimov.Rapid manufacturing. Springer Science Business Media, 2012. H. Kerzner,Project management. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc, 2017. Mirza, Muhammad Nabeel, Zohreh Pourzolfaghar, and Mojde Shahnazari. "Significance of scope in project success."Procedia Technology9 (2013): 722-729. Larson, Erik W., and Clifford Gray.Project Management. McGraw-Hill, 2013. Young, Trevor L.Successful project management. Vol. 52. Kogan Page Publishers, 2013. Pham, Duc, and Stefan S. Dimov.Rapid manufacturing. Springer Science Business Media, 2012.