Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Phase response curves to light and to melatonin Essay

Phase response curves to light and to melatonin - Essay Example In human light PRC (Figure 1), the y-axis of the PRC shows the direction and relative magnitude of the phase shift in hours induced by light exposure (solid line). Circadian Time Zero (CT0) corresponds to 11:00 am and CT22-CT18 is the duration for day time activity. The black bar, which indicates the time period between 12:00 midnight – 8:00am, along x-axis represents the duration for sleeping. Bright light treatment causes the phase-delay of circadian phase, which is represented by the area from CT10 to CT18. During this period, bright light treatment causes later onset of sleeping/awakening cycle. As time progresses from CT10, stronger effect on phase-delay is observed. At CT18, this phase-delay effect is changed dramatically to phase-advancing effect. The peak phase-advancing effect coincides with sunrise. From CT18 to CT3, bright light treatment induces phase-advancing effect, causing earlier onset of sleeping / awakening cycle. This effect gradually decreases from CT19 to CT3. As noted in the graph, little or no effect is observed when bright light treatment is applied from CT14 to CT20, in which this time period corresponds to 2:00pm to 8:00pm. The intensity of the light used in bright light treatment can have direct effect on the magnitude of the phase advancement or delay. ... After this time point, this effect decreases to the lowest point to CT12. It should be noted that during this time period, bright light treatment has no phase-shifting effect on circadian rhythm. From CT18 to CT0, melatonin administration induces a phase-delay effect on circadian rhythm, however, this effect is relatively small when compared with the phase advancing effect induced by bright light treatment. From 2 hours before the onset of sleeping (CT12) onwards until time of sunrise (CT18), administration of melatonin does not exert any effect on circadian rhythm. This time duration coincides with phase delaying effect of bright light treatment. b. Using this knowledge of the phase response curves to light and to melatonin, design a protocol to alleviate the effects of jet lag when travelling from London Singapore (8 time zones eastward) The flights for travelling from London to Singapore are available both in the morning and at night. The local time in Singapore is ahead of London by 8 hours (8 time zones eastward). Assuming there are two flights travelling from London to Singapore, one flight has the depart time at 11:00 am (London local time) and arrive in Singapore at 7:00 am (Singapore local time, one day ahead); the other flight departs at 22:00 pm (London local time) and arrives at 18:00 pm (Singapore local time, one day ahead). The total duration of the flight is approximately 13 hours. The circadian rhythm may be entrained by advance or delay the sleep/awake cycle and both intake of melatonin at about 4 hours before to its natural peak in the circadian cycle or bright light treatment may induce an advance response (3). The following protocol is devised from

Monday, October 28, 2019

School Event Essay Example for Free

School Event Essay This was a very interesting post!! I am high school math teacher in an urban district and I think the students need a detox at the beginning of the year. I think the most frightening thing is how many students just â€Å"hate† school. I think educators in my school district have been lead to believe that we start teaching subject skills on day 1. We don’t always have the chance to get to know our students on day one except for their names and maybe their birthdates. I really appreciate the links to the tools you use during your detox week. We have personal learning plans for our students using our district wide online system but they are very tedious and it’s more of chore for the students because the questions focus on short and long term goals and some of them just haven’t thought about goals for themselves. I think if schools spent time getting to know their students we could avoid a lot of the misbehavior. I also think that some teachers don’t want to get to know their students because teaching is just a paying job. Teachers need to be detox as well, we could have talks during our first few days of professional development with teachers to help them let go some of negative feelings they have against their students. I don’t know if I could go ice blocking with my students but I wonder if my school could start off the school year with a spirit week instead of at the middle of or end of the school year. I think most students would like to see their teachers have a little fun instead of viewing them as the wardens at the state prison. I think the first impressions dictate how people will treat us in the future so why not share a smile and then talk about classroom environments that function safely and productively for all.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Death Of A Salesman - Willys I :: essays research papers

“Willy Loman is destroyed by his own ideals'; Willy Loman is a travelling salesman who has worked for the Wagner firm for 34 years. He is now 61 years old and his job has been taken off salary and put on commission. He has a family and he boasts to them that he is “vital in New England,'; but in fact he isn’t vital anywhere. Willy has many strong beliefs that he strives to achieve. He wants to own his own business and he wants to be “bigger than Uncle Charley'; and especially he wants to be a great success and he tries to emulate Dave Singleman. He wishes to die the “Death of a Salesman'; and have many buyers and salesmen mourn for him. He also tries to be a good father, and husband. However Willy’s aims in life have been useless as he hasn’t really achieved anything. He got fired by Howard, his sons are both failures and they abandoned him in a restaurant toilet. His relationship with his wife is plagued by his guilt for committing adultery. He has to borrow $50 a week from Charley. He can’t even keep his mind on one thing for a long time. He can’t drive a car. Willy gets so fed up with all of these things that he want’s to commit suicide and eventually, he does. This topic suggests that Willy’s deterioration occurs because the principals he believes in. To a large extent this is true. After 34 years of Willy’s life, he loses his job. To a normal person under normal circumstances, being retrenched is a time when you feel useless. But for Willy, since everything else is going wrong at the same time, he feels like a useless old man. Willy thought that just because he named his boss, that he would have a secure future with the company but as Charley said “them things don’t mean anything? You named him Howard, but you can’t sell that.'; Even though Willy wasn’t even getting paid a salary, Howard didn’t want him to even represent the company in case Willy “cracked up'; again. Although Willy is mostly destroyed by his own ideals there are other things that destroy him as well, like Howard, Happy and Biff. Willy is emotionally destroyed when Howard fires him. Then, both of his sons disown and abandon him in Frank’s Chop House. Both Happy and Biff left their father talking to himself in the bathroom while they wanted to have a good night out with the girls.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Human Gene Therapy :: Science Genetics Papers

Human Gene Therapy Each of us carry about half a dozen defective genes. Most of us do not suffer any harmful effects from our defective genes because we carry two copies of nearly all genes, one derived from our mother and the other from our father. Because in the majority of cases, the potentially harmful gene is recessive, its normal counterpart will carry out all the tasks assigned to both. Only if we inherit from our parents two copies of the same recessive gene will a disease develop. Every year a considerable number of children are born with a genetic disease, a disease that occurs because each of their parents carries a defect in the same gene (Rigby 1995). The most common disease of this sort, with about couple thousand affected children born each year, is cystic fibrosis, which leads to a clogging of the lungs, and to problems with digestion and other functions. Although improvements in care and treatment mean that people with cystic fibrosis can now live for up to twenty-five years, there is no cure. A much rarer but nevertheless well known disease, is severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). SCID children with this condition have a defect in both copies of a gene which is required for the proper functioning of the immune system. The children can be kept alive but they have to live in sterile plastic bubbles to isolate them from bacteria and viruses. These children would die of infections which would only keep the rest of us in bed for a couple of days. Again , while there are treatments, there is no cure. However, in simple terms the cure is obvious. If the children are ill because they have two bad copies of a gene, it follows that if we could give them a good copy of the gene they would then be like their parents and be healthy. This very obvious idea is called gene therapy. Concept of Gene Therapy Gene therapy is the insertion of a functioning gene into the cells of a patient to correct an inborn error of metabolism or to provide a new function in a cell. This is a very broad definition that includes the potential treatment of essentially all types of human disease through the genetic modification of cells of the human body to prevent or eliminate disease. There are two main types of gene therapy, germinal cell and somatic cell gene therapy (Culver 1996).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Learning is a major part of life. Essay

People tend to learn in every steps of their life. Learning does not necessarily involve complex terms, it can also be primitive things that keeps happening in day to day life of an individual. Everybody has different interest, likewise they have a different pattern of learning things. Some people learn faster through visual medium, some through audio, and some just writing down the things depending upon what the subject matter is. I believe that learning process does not start when one settles in a formal environment but it start right from the birth of an individual. Walking, talking, decision making etc. are some examples including every other primary things are the result of learning. Every time anyone has to acquire a new skills, they need to be focused and scrutinize the subject matter thoroughly, that is how learning happens. Learning affects the confidence of a person as well. If someone learn things quickly than they have higher confidence in doing things and learning new things as well. After going through the video couple of times I realized that one who puts hard work and devotion in learning new things can automatically adapt into the ways the things are done and will become successful. I myself am very much interested in music and vaguely inspired by the beauty of it. I think music can be the most influential thing in an individual life. Music can make a person relax after a hard day at work, cure the illness, provides maximum level of comfort to an individual. Being so much influenced on music I have managed to learn a very few instruments and it always gives me pleasure and comfort when I am playing them. But I do not want to stop here. I want to learn more about music. I want to be able to read the music and understand every keys and notation in it. I want to be a musician like David Gilmour from the greatest band ever, â€Å"Pink Floyd,† who is able to play any string musical instrument that exists in planet today. I am currently doing my major in Business with Information Technology however in order to fulfill my ambition in music I have also planned to take music as my minor subject and later on carry it as my profession along with my  Business major degree. It is very much important to me because of my vague interest in it, but mostly it makes me very happy. Finally, I am profoundly inspired from the video that I just watched and it helped me to boost up my morale. I do have much respect for the people attempting to make things happen and these people are just one of those few who dare to take the challenges and do something that makes difference to others.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Fighting Cowards essays

Fighting Cowards essays The soil of the United States has been blessed for many years; we as a people do not deal with an onslaught of wide spread attacks on a day to day basis. People of the United States are fortunate that their largest doses of fear are presented through their harmless entertainment centers. Other country citizens are not so fortunate they awake everyday in the real fear of death and destruction from an unnamed and unseen killer, we in the United States refer to as terrorism. In the past the sneaky head of terrorism has entered the United Sates and the American public was quickly lulled to sleep by the media portraying it as an isolated instance. Our government has continued to keep quite the real threat that is continually eliminated on a day to day basis. Thus leaving the American public with a false since of security in there daily lives. Until the 11 of September 2001 when the American people were awaken from their naive slumber, the over 6000 casualties can not be referred to as an Isolated instance the American slumber has been replaced by an angry reality. Terrorism has revealed the Achilles tendon of the American impenetrable armor. The American government must look into the impossible task of defending against and enemy that wishes not to be seen and offering reasonable protection while still affording the freedoms, which America was founded on. In the House of Representatives on April 6, 2000 A bill was proposed and passed to amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for improved Federal efforts to prepare for and respond to terrorist attacks, and for other purposes. The President should strengthen Federal interagency emergency planning by the Federal 9 Emergency Management Agency and other appro- 10 Private Federal, State, and local agencies for develop- 11 ment of a capability for early detection and warning 12 of and response to potential domestic terrorist at- 13 ta...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Memory for Designs Test

Memory for Designs Test Introduction The examination of the functioning of the memory of an individual cannot be limited to only one memory test, and as a result, there are a variety of assessments that target the various features of the memory. Memory test procedures take into consideration various attributes including features of the test instrument such as legitimacy and consistency of results.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Memory for Designs Test specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Tests should ideally sample a variety of non-related features of the memory to make sure that particular inadequacies in the memory can be identified. In addition to this, aspects of recall and recognition should be tested, as a way to monitor memory processes in relation to memory indicators (Dustman Beck, 1980). It has been observed that most of the memory encounters are incidental as opposed to premeditated. In view of this, one of the tests admin istered should be unexpected, to prevent rehearsal. Some tests are administered through visual aspects, ignoring auditory-verbal presentation modes as well as motor-retrieval response modes. To make certain that the results obtained are well- founded, the person administering the tests should sample an appropriately broad range of test behaviors. Computerized testing has a number of drawbacks including time consuming and high cost of setting up the system (Dustman Beck, 1980). Memory for designs test The Memory for designs test was designed by Graham and Kendall, in 1946. The test examines visual recall of an individual based on brain damage versus functional disorder versus normality. It is a popular test for the examination of brain damage in children and adults. The scoring system allows the accumulation of normative data (Graham Kendall, 1947). Administration of the test The test is administered by presenting a series of fifteen geometric designs of increasing difficulty on in dividual cards. The cards are nine by twelve inch pieces of paper, with all designs drawn on the same piece of paper. Each design is presented to the individual alone, in a prearranged sequence. The subject is supposed to view the design for five seconds before it is removed from his view. The tests duration is about five to ten minutes (Erickson Scott, 1977). Development of the test The memory test was intended to draw the line and distinguish between individuals who are organically impaired and those who are functionally impaired. The inability to reproduce geometric designs from immediate memory is related to organic impairment.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More After the test was introduced, forty designs were set and administered to a few individuals who had brain damage. The final set of tests included those designs that were found to be easiest to score as we ll as discriminate best between groups. The test has since been used with all age groups for both clinical and research purposes (Erickson Scott, 1977). Sample According to Graham and Kendell (1960), there were a variety of samples such as the original validation group and a cross-validation group. In the original group, there were 70 brain-disorder patients with mixed diagnoses and 70 controls. They were all matched for age, education and occupational status. The original group included an equal number of males and females, as well as African Americans. The age bracket of the subjects was 9 to 69 years, with an average age of 42 years. The average educational level was eighth grade. The latter group comprised 33 brain-disordered patients and 168 control patients. There were three times as many men as women, with an average age of 28 years for the controls and 37 years for the brain-disordered subjects. Both groups had an average education of ninth grade (Peterson Mangen, 1981). S coring, scale norms and distribution According to the criteria provided by Graham and Kendall (1960), each reproduction has a score of 0-3, whereby the highest score signifies the worst performance. There was no penalty due to incomplete or forgotten designs. This is because the variables did not distinguish brain damaged subjects from control subjects. Reliability tests According to Graham and Kendell (1960), the split half reliability was .92 for 140 brain-damaged patients. Test-retest correlations conducted in the same session or within a 24 hour period for other groups ranged between .81 and .90. The clinical usefulness of the test is based on the adequacy of its standardization for various age groups as well as a variety of non-brained-damaged, psychiatric individuals. The reliability of the scoring is suitable based on data provided in the test manual. In addition to this, new studies on the reliability have found it satisfactory. Qualitative scores are possible based on a mea sure of the tendency to rotate the designs, whereby the error can be reliably calculated (Graham Kendall, 1947). The age standardization for normal adults is adequate though the normative data that is available for different functional psychiatric groups is not. It has been observed that some functional psychiatric disorders produce lower scores on the MFD test, though there are no age norms for representative populations of functional psychiatric disorders.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Memory for Designs Test specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This poses a challenge in the omission of the presence of a specific functional psychiatric disorder as a substitute explanation of a poor score based on the presently available norms, unless the alternative was eliminated on a different basis (Peterson Mangen, 1981). Validity tests An analysis of a large number of tests conducted on a sample of a hundred people t o diagnose brain damage showed a +.597 for the memory for designs test on the first factor. This was interpreted as perceptual organization or the ability to integrate the relevant aspects of the perceptual field. Based on the perceptual organization factor, a memory aspect was observed from the tests, proving that perceptual organization was able to facilitate performance when memory was involved (Peterson Mangen, 1981). The MFD test has been proven to always differentiate between groups of patients known without any doubt to have brain damage, as well as to match groups of normal people and psychiatric patients thought not to be brain damaged. According to the definition of brain damage, that it is any amount of cell death in the cerebral cortex irrespective of the cause, every person aged above 30 years would be brain damaged. Some forms of birth trauma, childhood injuries and anoxia cause cell death in many normal children, though the damage is insignificant since it does not r esult in impairment (Richie Butler, 1964). Predictive validity According to data presented in the Graham and Kendall ( 1960) test manual, a significant mean score difference between a group of brain-damaged and normal individuals, at the 0.01 level. This indicated an overlap in the scores of the non-brain-damaged and brain damaged groups that caused difficulties in coming up with a decision on the performance of borderline people. An example was the cut-off point whereby 4% of the controls were diagnosed as having brain damage. Out of these, half of the brain-damaged subjects in one group and 48% in another group were designated with brain damage. The other cut-off point made for varied combinations of correct identifications, errors and false positives (Richie Butler, 1964). Convergent validity According to Warren and Mangen, the memory for designs test correlated .85 and .81 with scores on the Bender Gestalt test.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Usability on older populations The test is timed. In addition to this, manual coordination is required. The involvement of these factors implies that the aged may be handicapped. Sensitivity to age difference According to Peterson and Mangen, there was a significant correlation between performance and age, of 0.27. This implied that an increase in age of the subject corresponded to poorer performance of the subject. There was also a correlation of -.31 of the MFD test scores with intelligence. Assessment by the vocabulary score on the Wechsler-Bellevue showed a significant multiple correlation of .44 with age and intelligence (Peterson Mangen, 1981). According to a study conducted on psychiatric patients aged above 60 years, 36 brain damaged and 36 controls, there was a considerable difference in the mean scores, which was not as high as that between, brain-damaged and standardization groups of younger ages. The mean scores were 8.44 and 13.89, while the SD was 6.33 and 5.81 for th e controls and brain-damaged group respectively. There was a big difference between this age group and all younger control groups, though the difference with the scores of adults between the ages of 20 and 60 did not vary much. The confounding factor was that the controls over 60 years had a decline in vocabulary scores that was the same as that of the brain-damaged groups, which yielded negative results for the younger ages. This signified that the use of psychiatric controls for the older age-group would be unsuitable (Dustman Beck, 1980). According to another study conducted for subjects between the age of 20 and 80, with 50 men and 40 men in each constituent decade, the performance of older age groups on the MFD was observed to be stable until the age of fifty, after which there was a fast decline and increased variability in subjects’ performances (Peterson Mangen, 1981). Conclusion The test’s reliability and validity are good, since it discriminates in a ration al manner between groups with brain damage and normal groups. The test has limitations when conducted on aged subjects since it requires manual coordination. In addition to this, it is timed and the performance correlates with age and intelligence. Unusual scores signify damage in a specific cortical area, which in turn signifies a formerly particular dysfunction. It could be translated to mean a shortened life expectancy, though the MFD is hardly translated to imply such occurrences. Studies have shown an insignificant correlation between MFD score and a rating of severity of brain damage according to certain assessment criteria such as EFG (Peterson Mangen, 1981). Other studies have also shown a wide range of MFD scores when the test is administered to a psychiatric group whose brain damage status is uncertain, resulting in no conclusions from the features shown by the group. One practical consequence of an abnormal MFD score which has been demonstrated is that the patient is lik ely also to have abnormal scores on several other tests of brain damage such as the Bender Gestalt Test, and the Benton Visual Retention Test. An abnormal MFD score might enable the clinical psychologist to identify a previously unknown pattern of associated psychological abnormalities which might have implications for the adjustment of the patient. Another useful implication of an abnormal MFD score among children is that one might anticipate difficulties in learning to read, as suggested by several studies (Erickson Scott, 1977). References Dustman, R. E., Beck, E. C. (1980). Memory-For-Designs Test: comparison of performance of young and old adults. Journal of Clinical Psychology , 36(3), 770-774. Erickson, R. C., Scott, M. L. (1977). Clinical Memory Testing. Psychological Bulletin , 1130-1149. Graham, F., Kendall, B. (1947). Memory-For-Designs Test. Journal of Consulting Psychology , 11(6). Peterson, W. A., Mangen, D. J. (1981). Research Instruments in Social Gerontology: C linical and Social Psychology (Clinical Social Psychology). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Richie, J., Butler, A. (1964). Performance of retardates on the memory-for-designs test. Journal of Clinical Psychology , 20(1), 108-110.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

John Kasich Bio - 2016 Presidential Candidate

John Kasich Bio - 2016 Presidential Candidate John Kasich is a career politician who served as a state legislator, member of the U.S. House of Representatives and governor of Ohio. He is seeking the Republican presidential nomination in the 2016 election and, though considered an underdog to both Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, is one of the three remaining candidates in the primary race.   Related Story: What is Election Day? Kasich sought the presidency once before, in the 2000 election, and referred to himself as the Jolt Cola - a highly caffeinated soft drink  -   of that years field of Republican candidates because of his high-energy style and penchant for wearing sneakers to work. But he later withdrew from the primary race. Political Career   Kasichs political career includes positions in both state and federal government. Heres a timeline: 1975 to 1977: Served as administrative assistant in the Ohio state Senate. 1979 to 1983: Elected to the Ohio state legislature at age 26 and served one four-year term in the state Senate. 1983 to 2001: Election to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 and served nine two-year terms. During his tenure in the House and served as chairman of the Committee on the Budget. Kasich retired from the House to reinvent himself. You got to know when to hold em, you got to know when to fold em, and you got to know when to renew yourself, he said at the time. 1999: Briefly sought the Republican nomination for president before dropping out and endorsing eventual nominee and 2000 election winner George W. Bush. The problem was last time that I had this jet airplane ready to take off but I didnt have any gas for it. It never got into the air, Kasich later told CNN. 2011 to present: Governor of Ohio, serving his second four-year term. July 2015 to present: Seeking the Republican nomination for president in 2016. Professional Career Kasich worked in private finance after leaving Congress in January 2001. He worked as a  managing director in the Investment Banking Division of Lehman Brothers. He was appeared as a political commentator on FOX News. Kasich is the author of three books: Courage is Contagious; Stand for Something: The Battle for America’s Soul; and Every Other Monday. Related Story: 5 Presidents Who Wrote Books Before Being Elected Campaign for President in 2016 Kasich, though a career politician, sought to appeal to voters who prefer outsiders. He has repeatedly claimed Washington knows little about solving the countrys problems. I think we ought to run the country from the bottom up rather than the top down, he says. He began his campaign for president as an extreme long shot in a field of 16 candidates, including former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who at one time was considered the front-runner for the nomination. But most of the candidates ran out of money, enthusiasm or patience with voters who propelled Trump toward the nomination amid an anti-establishment fervor in the primaries. By March 2016, it was a three-man race, and Kasich was portraying himself as the common-sense, or more moderate, conservative to Cruz, who suggested impeaching Democratic President Barack Obama would be legitimate, and Trump, whose political philosophies perplexed many in both major parties. Kasich was also seen as having the most experience of any of the candidates, given his work in the statehouse and in Congress. Democrats, however, point out that Kasich is solidly opposed to abortion rights. States his campaign: During his 18 years in Congress, John Kasich consistently opposed federal funding of abortion and voted to ban partial-birth abortions. As Governor of Ohio, he has enacted more measures to protect unborn children than any other governor in the history of the state, including bans on late-term abortions and bans on elective abortions in public hospitals. Related Story: The 2016 Field of Republicans Was the Largest in 100 Years Many in the Republican establishment became upset with Kasich, however, over his refusal to drop out of the Republican primaries even after it became clear he could not win enough delegates to secure the presidential nomination. Critics believed Kasich was undermining Republican U.S. Sen. Ted Cruzs ability to stop presumptive nominee Donald Trumps march to victory in the primaries by splitting the anti-Trump vote two ways.    One of the most notable efforts to persuade Kasich to abandon his bid for the nomination, or to persuade voters to abandon him, came from the conservative anti-tax group Club for Growth. The group spent $1 million on a television ad attacking Kasich. The ad, titled Math, points out Kasich couldnt win the nomination and went on to claim his candidacy was fueling Trumps success. If you dont want Donald Trump to win, your choice comes down to this: math. Only Ted Cruz can beat Donald Trump. John Kasich cant do it. The math wont work. A vote for Kasich actually helps Trump by dividing the opposition. Its time to put differences aside. To stop Trump, vote for Cruz. Kasich, however, maintained that he could win the nomination by blocking Trump from securing the necessary delegates before the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, and by appealing to mainstream members of the party at a contested, or brokered, convention. As crazy as this year is - theres no one here who would say this isn’t nuts - can you think about anything cooler than a [contested] convention?† Kasich argued at the  Conservative Political Action Conference in March of 2016. Nonetheless, the strategy was considered the longest of long shots and angered members of the Republican establishment who were trying to stop Trump. Key Issues Kasich made  job creation, health care and student debt key components of his campaign and attempted to set himself apart from the other Republican candidates by portraying America as still being great. The sun is rising, and the sun is going to rise to the zenith in America again, I promise you, Kasich said in announcing his candidacy in July 2015. His campaign has focused more on economic issues, rather than social issues such as gay marriage, where he appears to be far more moderate than most Republican presidential candidates. While stressing he believes in traditional marriage between a man and woman, Kasich has also said: Because somebody doesn’t think the way I do doesn’t mean that I can’t care about them or I can’t love them ... Issues like that are planted to divide us ... We need to give everybody a chance, treat everybody with respect, and let them share in this great American dream that we have. Political Accomplishments As governor of Ohio, Kasich takes credit for eliminating projected state budget shortfalls  - including an $8 billion projected deficit  - while reducing taxes since taking office in 2011. He promotes his efforts to cut wasteful spending and eliminate government red tape. He also takes credit for  Ohios â€Å"stable† credit outlook among the major ratings agencies. I took the state of Ohio from an $8 billion hole †¦ to a $2 billion surplus, Kasich was fond of saying on the 2016 campaign trail. He claims his administration was also responsible for the creation of  350,000 jobs and issuing the largest statewide tax cuts in history, totaling $5 billion. Education Kasich attended public schools in Ohio and earned a bachelor of arts degree in political science from  Ohio State University in 1974.   Personal Life John Richard Kasich was born in  McKees Rocks, a small borough near Pittsburgh in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, on  May 13, 1952. He is the oldest of three children. He considered becoming a Catholic priest before entering politics. Kasich lives in  Westerville, Ohio, a suburb of Columbus. He is married to Karen Waldbillig Kasich. The couple have twin daughters, Emma and Reese. How You Pronounce Kasich Kasichs last name is often mispronounced. The ch is hard at the end of his last name, meaning Kasich rhymes with basic.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Multiple Regression Analysis Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Multiple Regression Analysis - Statistics Project Example Governments’ focus on improving labor force and imports are recommended for economic growth. Economic growth is an important factor to governments, whose responsibilities include availing resources for public utilities and ensuring good living standards that are dependent on economic well being. Governments also have the responsibility of ensuring good macroeconomic environment for economic competitiveness in the international scope. Gross domestic product is one of the indicators of economic growth and its value can be used to understand factors to economic growth and to inform macroeconomic policies in a country. This report analyses factors to economic growth with the aim of identifying significant factors. Human capital is one of the factors that have been associated with economic growth and according to Somashekar (N.d.), is directly proportional to growth. International trade and foreign direct investment inflow have also been associated with effects on a country’s economic growth. Foreign direct investments have diversified indirect and positive effects on economic growth. Imports and exports have also been associated with economic development and the factors have beet correlated with foreign direct investment flows (OECD, 2002). This paper investigate relationships between gross domestic product and employment rate, as an indicator of human capital, foreign direct investments, import, and export. The following hypothesis is tested. A survey design is used in the study with reliance on secondary data. The Central Intelligence Agency library is used as the source of data. Stratified random sampling is used to select countries, the research participants, and respective data identified. Four countries are selected from Europe, Africa, America, and Asia. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis are used to analyze the data. Each of the variables has high standard deviations and this suggest possible variations across other

Friday, October 18, 2019

The consequences of the 1979 Iranian Revolution for Democracy, Term Paper

The consequences of the 1979 Iranian Revolution for Democracy, Freedom, and Justice in Iran - Term Paper Example The 1979 Iranian Revolution is ‘Never’ Successful According to some scholars, the governing clerics originally thought that the intellectuals and technocrats were inconsequential and that the state machinery could be transformed into something simpler to complement their motives (Lotfalian, 2009). It has been argued that Khomeini’s belief that the institutions of religious education are able to supervise state affairs is accurate. The requirements and value of the state were relaxed to suit the experience and knowledge of those occupying important government positions (Ganji, 2003). But it is the contention of this paper that Iran has greatly endured this ruinous strategy of ‘loyalty to the regime above technical and professional competence’ (Ganji, 2003, 209). The administration of the Akhonds has been unsuccessful in all aspects of nation building. Pervasive corruption has deeply worsened the impacts of its ineffectiveness, ignorance, and preferenti al treatment. The utmost justification of Akhond’s rule was that they would abolish the reliance of Iran on foreign countries and would be genuinely self-sufficient and autonomous. Their regime was to play as an exemplar for ‘the exploited and poor nations’ (Milani, 1993, 359). The rule was to consolidate the Muslim societies across the globe. Its objective was to communicate its revolution to every Islamic community. Yet, the agricultural and industrial sectors of Iran, according to Milani (1993), are wobbling and more reliant on overseas support and imports than ever before. Multinational firms and foreign investors are now gaining more success to the detriment of the local population. The revolution is greatly opposed and ruined in Iran that even the proposal for its transmission to other Muslim communities seems absurd. There are arguments that the Iranian revolution successfully attained its objective and ideology for building a new society. It commenced wit h a vow to improve the standard of living and build a democratic, just, and free society. Yet, it is the contention of this paper that after three decades, what the 1979 Iranian revolution has actually created is a system that has neither a rational or avant-garde foundation, nor a revolutionary blueprint for the nation. According to Kazemi (2003), it fails to carry a humanistic and moral bases and religious authority. Fundamentally, it has become an arrogant, authoritarian regime. The mullahs have been successful in retaining their powers through frauds, corruptions, and violence, yet their status is quite unsteady at present (Ganji, 2003). Obviously they have proved that they are willing to take any measure to remain in power, such as prioritizing over Islam the reinforcement of political control and to the detriment of the people and the nation. The leader of the invincible Assembly of Experts, Akhond Ali Meshkini, proclaimed in 2000 that â€Å"Ayatollah Khamenei’s powers are absolute and subject to no limitations of any kind. Popular elections have no influence on the matter. Until divine justice is restored on earth, he has guardianship over the goods and the souls of men†

Politics Issues Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Politics Issues - Assignment Example According to Francis Fukuyama the philosopher, political economist, and author, the arrival of the western liberal democracy may indicate demolishing of humanity’s sociocultural evolution and the final structure of the human regime. The explanations of arguments in favor of his statement are: According to Francis Fukuyama the philosopher, political economist, and author, the arrival of the western liberal democracy may indicate demolishing of humanity’s sociocultural evolution and the final structure of the human regime. The explanations of arguments in favor of his statement are:ïÆ'Ëœ Political Argument – Wars and conflicts between nations arise out of in different political systems. As additional numbers of the country accept liberal democracy as their main structure of government, wars among them will no longer take place.  Ã¯Æ'Ëœ Empirical argument – There has been a shift for the States in the beginning of the 19th century which was meant to accept a few type of liberal democracy to be its government, better explained as the government that has individual rights like the right to free speech much better to the rights of the state.  Ã¯Æ'Ëœ Philosophical argument –Fukuyama observes the power of thymos or human spiritedness. He argues that democracy hampers behaviors which are risky. Progressive balanced thought illustrates that the responsibility of master and slave are indecisive and self-defeating and hence not accepted by lofty spirits.  Democracy Signaled the â€Å"End of History†According to the Social scientist, Francis Fukuyama democracy signaled the â€Å"end of history† due to the failure of Communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe and realism triumph of liberal democracy above all other outlines of political ideology (Blunden, â€Å"The End of History and the Last Man†).  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Managment- has email replaced the need for face-to-face contact Essay

Managment- has email replaced the need for face-to-face contact between managers and staff - Essay Example (The Industry Standard 2000). Interpersonal communications are an essential foundation upon which organizations are built as was observed by Barnard(1938) who said â€Å" an organization is born when there are individuals who are able to communicate, and who are determined to engage in actions oriented towards a common goal†. It has been estimated that a manager spends 95% of his time in written and verbal communication. (Mintzberg 1973). It is essential that such technologies impacting upon the organizational is examined with greater attention it deserves. In a study reported in Jan 1995(Sullivan), it was found that e-mail users among the of the Florida House of Representatives, an information-intensive public organization, preferred the just introduced system for document delivery, request for information and answering queries only and not for drafting documents, assigning tasks and making decisions. And it was also found that e-mail was less preferred than face to face interaction but more preferred than telephone, memos and letters. This observation was 10 years ago and in a public organization where formality is the norm. It is undisputed fact that e-mail is used to replace time-consuming and expensive conventional workplace communication methods. It is not surprising therefore that 80 percent of all organizations now use e mail for business communication. It will continue to increase as the cost and resistance decline. (Louis 2002) Interpretation of a message depends on the choice of communication method selected by the sender. The selection of communication media is an executive skill driven by the factors of expediency and efficacy. As a unique communication channel, e-mail enables creation and dissemination of messages in organizations. It is not just a medium between sender and receiver but could be a complex form of communication with

What barriers are there to the effective prevention of genocide and Essay - 1

What barriers are there to the effective prevention of genocide and crimes against humanity - Essay Example The human race continue to talk of the visible and the invisible mass killings, some of which have acquired explicit names, yet little action have come forth to secure sustainable world peace. Shortly after the turn of the new millennium, the Darfur mass murders accompanied by unimaginable destruction, mass rapes, and dislocation followed a familiar trend that has long demanded a concerted, prompt effort as the rest of the world watched the events of the other side of human nature unfold unabated. Sixty years after the United Nations’ Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG), and two solid decades after its ratification by the most powerful nation on earth, the United States, the world still lacks reliable institutional frameworks to confront the evil inherent in the subject matter at hand. The term ‘genocides’ has its origin in the work of Raphael Lemkin’s 1944 analysis of the Holocaust titled Axis Rule in Occupied Europ e; an enormous task that basically found the phrase ‘mass killing’ rather inadequate to fully capture the atrocities of the event (Kentis, 2011, p.3). Before Lemkin’s work, crimes of mass atrocities [â€Å"crimes of crimes†] lacked â€Å"explicit identity† (Power, 2002, p. 30). Scholars are in agreement that genocides are not natural disasters, but man-made occurrences that are preventable. (Fein, 2000, p. 42). Despite the inherent flaws with regards to the legal definition adopted at the above mentioned convention concerning what exactly constitutes genocide, its recognition as a crime of humanity, without a doubt, reinforced the legitimacy by the international community to act, on humanitarian grounds, to prevent and possibly stop the elements with ill intentions from actualizing any form of pre-planned atrocities. To date, the convention’s statutes largely remains monumental with genocide intervention, even with immense evidence of ethnic cleansing taking place, occurring at the final stages of Stanton’s eight stage model (Stanton, 2008). This paper briefly elaborates on some of the barriers towards effective prevention of world genocides and crimes against humanity; and where possible the analysis will include the flawed nature of the theo retical frameworks that seem to work only in paper, the blockade erected by the concept of ‘State sovereignty’, the difficulty of holding perpetrators to account, and the general lack of international will/interest to intervene in matters considered domestic. The Impediments to the Prevention of Crimes against Humanity The campaigns initiated by Lemkin to include and subsequently prohibit genocide under the international laws was more than a welcome call for international action as demonstrated by UN General Assembly’s nod on the 9th December 1948. To be sure, even though the word genocide may appear recent in origin, the concept is almost as old as mankind

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Managment- has email replaced the need for face-to-face contact Essay

Managment- has email replaced the need for face-to-face contact between managers and staff - Essay Example (The Industry Standard 2000). Interpersonal communications are an essential foundation upon which organizations are built as was observed by Barnard(1938) who said â€Å" an organization is born when there are individuals who are able to communicate, and who are determined to engage in actions oriented towards a common goal†. It has been estimated that a manager spends 95% of his time in written and verbal communication. (Mintzberg 1973). It is essential that such technologies impacting upon the organizational is examined with greater attention it deserves. In a study reported in Jan 1995(Sullivan), it was found that e-mail users among the of the Florida House of Representatives, an information-intensive public organization, preferred the just introduced system for document delivery, request for information and answering queries only and not for drafting documents, assigning tasks and making decisions. And it was also found that e-mail was less preferred than face to face interaction but more preferred than telephone, memos and letters. This observation was 10 years ago and in a public organization where formality is the norm. It is undisputed fact that e-mail is used to replace time-consuming and expensive conventional workplace communication methods. It is not surprising therefore that 80 percent of all organizations now use e mail for business communication. It will continue to increase as the cost and resistance decline. (Louis 2002) Interpretation of a message depends on the choice of communication method selected by the sender. The selection of communication media is an executive skill driven by the factors of expediency and efficacy. As a unique communication channel, e-mail enables creation and dissemination of messages in organizations. It is not just a medium between sender and receiver but could be a complex form of communication with

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Strategic Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Strategic Management - Assignment Example With the imminent move toward internationalisation and liberalisation of industry, organisations need to be equipped with the rapid alterations in the business forces. Hence, every company require adjusting with the varying demand of customers as well as variations in the business environment. It is in this context that change is the response of business and other economic occurrences. Change is the procedure of administrative awareness, selection of alternatives and implementation of new or modified functions where managers view certain actions taking place, representing the requirement of change (Rashid & et. al., 2004). The change procedure in modern organisations is exclusive from every perspective owing to the differences prevailing in terms of the culture, i.e. the type of trade, the working environment, the values and principles, the administration and leadership style and the behaviours as well as approach of current employees. Additionally, there is risk of failure as people are generally observed to behave as resistant to the change being implemented or even those which are occurring spontaneously. For some people change can give pleasure, bliss and benefits, while for others, change can bring discomfort, pressure and difficulties (Rashid & et. al., 2004). Among all other factors, the most influential aspect which can create a vast impact on change is the organisational culture (Rashid & et. al., 2004). With due consideration to these prospects, the paper assesses how organisational culture creates an impact on the manner organisational change is embraced or resisted by the employees. Defining Organisational Culture The conception of organisational culture is extensively used in modern day organisations in order to define the environment and working practices which have been developed in order to manage the employees and at large preserve the smooth commencement of business operations. IT is in this context that organisational culture encourages moral e amid employees and statement of principles of a particular company. It is the duty of leaders being the prime executers in an organisation, to develop an effective culture according to the working procedure. It is also their sole responsibility to extinguish a particular culture when it becomes obsolete (Donnell & Boyle, 2008). Culture in any organisation provides the feeling of distinctiveness and defines the organisational traditions, customs, principles, meanings, values, standards and the way determined objectives are achieved in organisations. The culture summarises the positive performances and traditions which was worked in the past. These performances are accepted by long-serving employees in an organisation. Furthermore, the foremost concern a new employee acquires about an organisation is the culture. Culture remains in organisation and becomes a part of its conventional manner of conducting works. Over the years, organisations also develop standards, i.e.

Ethnography Essay Example for Free

Ethnography Essay The late night diner is one of the many staples of urban areas – they act as beacons to all those with no place better to be. Whether the bar has long since closed, or staying home just isn’t an option any more, 24 hour eateries are the place to be when all else fails. I recently made an educational trip to a 24 hour IHOP for some middle of the night hash-browns and ethnographic field notes. I was escorted to one of the largest tables in the room by a tired looking but albeit enthusiastic young man, and was surprised by how many people were actually there. It was three in the morning, so I’d half expected to not see a soul, but there were always at least four tables being served. Among the clientele was a couple; a group of hoodlums whom I could only guess had been band geeks in another life; and, my personal favorite, a group of middle aged drunken sushi connoisseurs. Being seated closest to the sushi lovers, I got to eavesdrop on their conversations – and creepily bond with them, unbeknownst to them. Unsurprisingly, almost everyone in the room was varying shades of inebriated. The conversation was fairly educational in the sense that they were all very proud of their sexual endeavors and had decided to meticulously compare notes. They were surprisingly comfortable with themselves, as well as those within ear shot. It was sort of a contagious comfortable-ness – there was almost a community in the grungy little IHOP. Every one there had probably been kicked out of somewhere else because of closing time, or discontentment – all of us came together not only for diner eggs and pancakes, but for a place to be. Closing time had become the great equalizer, bringing people from all walks of life – from star crossed lovers to raucous sushi lovers – into their local IHOP, more for a place to be than anything else. Many forces were at work in that IHOP. The waiters were trying to make as much as they could off of tips, iHop stayed open late to facilitate all those who just weren’t ready to go home yet during the witching hour, and the establishment’s patrons were filling many societal expectations. All of these worked together to create a very different aesthetic than one would see in the daylight. People were more uninhibited because of the late hour and whatever they’d been a part of earlier, yet certain societal standards and ideals were being held up – while others, such as quietness, were generally thrown to the wind. Meanwhile, my incredibly exhausted waiter worked to be as professional as possible while exerting the least amount of work possible – granted, that isn’t necessarily that different from the daytime. This reflected the corporate values of IHOP that were at play. It caters to a very specific demographic – the less wealthy, and very hungry. IHOP is also one of the only places in its suburban zip code that offers 24-hour service. Which, I admittedly found surprising I would have assumed there would be more places to go in the middle of the night, but realized very early into my pre-dawn adventure that there wasn’t much for one to do past midnight. This proves not only that nothing good happens after 2am, but also that nothing interesting will happen either. IHOP was the only place with its doors open after last call, after the kitchens had closed, and after the kids still couldn’t head home but had to something anyways. It’s interesting how so few places were there for the people who weren’t ready to head home for the night – and how many people stubbornly refused to go home. All the factors played together to set the scene for a bad Romantic Comedy (which undoubtedly could have been playing itself out in the corner booth, where the very young and very passionate couple were paying more attention to themselves than to their pancakes. All of the behaviors in the restaurant came together to form a cultural idea of the late night scene that one might get from the movies. People were far more uninhibited whether from lack of sleep, or intoxication, but they all still played their roles in the scene. There was a delicate balance between outlandish behavior and the rules of interaction between wait-staff and customers at play. Multiple expectations came together to form a very unique dynamic. It is worth saying that people were in the IHOP at that ungodly hour to be seen. They at least subconsciously knew that they were performers in very large scale production, and decided to stay out because of their role in social norms. They chose not to hide away in their homes until dawn, because someone needed to uphold the night owl character. Mumford argues in What is a City? That the city requires and creates drama, unlike the suburbs – which is interesting in regards to the very slim options one has in the suburbs past midnight beyond just going home. The percent of the population who want drama and tension (which in this sense are played out through late night excursions) is far lower in the suburbs, not because of the difference between structures in the city and the suburbs but because of the difference in mindset between these two areas (which also yielded the different structures). The characters in the story at hand are therefore outliers, in a sense. They seek out an experience that one generally only sees –though is not exclusively- in the city, and have a more unique experience because of it. There was a surprising amount of diversity in the demographics that night (really, no matter what tax bracket you’re in, you’re not going to find a place open in Aurora at 3am beyond Wal-Mart and the very occasional late night eatery), which created even more forces at play in the room. With every now demographic came a new set of ideas that were being prescribed to and upheld. Many sponsors played into the behavior of the performers. Societies’ concept of morality is a very large factor here. Many of the patrons had ducked in to iHop as a way to pass the time while sobering up and moving on with their life – which was caused by society’s laws and idea of moral behavior. While having a night out, they also were influenced not only by their preconceived notion of behavior that one is to have in the night, but also by the behavior that is not acceptable in society generally. Being overly drunk in public is generally frowned upon, as well as driving under the influence, which explains why many people ducked in to the restaurant – it was the best place to go so their night out wouldn’t have to end, but so they could also start to sober up. A variety of laws are in place that work to discourage public intoxication and bad behavior that might happen during intoxication, but there are at the same time a plethora of ideas at play constructed by the media about youth and the role of alcohol and late nights into the youth culture. It all plays into an equilibrium between two different sets of expectations and guidelines for behavior. The economy is also a sponsor of the performance. It is in the economy’s best interest that every performer takes on the role of the consumer, and consumerism is marketed from every angle possible so that every person will feel the need to participate. The need to stay out and continue the adventure is an idea partly concocted by the economy and media to influence people to connect the idea of leading an interesting life with products and experiences that can be profited off of. By staying open all night, IHOP offers an experience to a select group of customers, who for whatever reason need to stay up late and have eggs and coffee. Performers, for a variety of reasons, all take part in consumerism as a means to the experience of staying out late, or getting away from something. The late night patronage of IHOP is indicative of much larger forces and ideas that influence society as a whole. Customers from all walks of life participate in a late night performance that reveals influences from the economy and society as a whole. Each performer has a different reason for being there but plays into the greater whole of societal norms and expectations. A suburban 24 hour restaurant seems at first like an unlikely place for big ideas to be at play – especially when the place is sort of dead, and the customers look worn-out and inebriated, but every component of the large whole has meaning in its own way – and is essential for the bigger picture to exist.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Is The Future Of Tourism A Secure One Tourism Essay

Is The Future Of Tourism A Secure One Tourism Essay Tourism refers to travel which is intended for the purposes of leisure, business or recreation. Tourism can only occur when there are tourists. Tourists are the people who opt to travel and stay in destinations which, in most cases, are not their usual daily environments for a period of more than twenty four hours but not exceeding one year. Tourists travel for business, leisure and other purposes which are not related to the environments visited. The United Nations classified Tourism in three forms in 1994: domestic, inbound and outbound tourism. Domestic tourism involves the travel of residents or citizens of a given country in their country and not outside. Inbound tourism, involves non residents who opt to travel in a given country. Outbound is tourism where residents of a country opt to travel to another country. The World Tourism Organization report of 2009 places the top ten countries that attracted the highest number of tourists as being France, the United States of America, Spain, China, Italy, United Kingdom, Turkey, Germany, Malaysia, and Mexico. The Tourism industry does not have a secure future because based on several parameters. Statistics indicate that the number of tourists who have been visiting different countries continues to dwindle on a yearly basis in some tourist destinations because of several factors. These factors include dwindling economies, increasing gas prices, natural disasters, terrorism threats and climate changes. The economy of a country is a major factor that affects the tourism industry. If people of a country are retrenched from their work, they become worried about how they are going to pay their expenses like rent and mortgage and as such, they do not see the reason as to why they should spend their money on travel. Many people all over the world always consider travel as a luxury that can only be indulged in when someone has made some extra income or when the times are extremely good. When the hard times come biting, one of the expenditures that are always cut on many peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s budget is travel tourism. This is especially true when the traveling options like cruises are expensive and pricey. Therefore, the high cost and standards of living cannot enable people to promote the tourism industry because they consider it as a luxury, Stynes (2008 p. 37). The dwindling economies have led to recessions and low purchasing power of people who travel and promote the tourism industry therefore making its future to be insecure. People are now reluctant to spend their money on tourism because of the decreasing and dwindling economies. High inflation also causes a decrease in the purchasing power of the countries and therefore when one nation experiences a high rate of inflation and a decrease in the purchasing power, then all the nations are affected. This in turn makes the tourism industry to be very insecure. Gas prices have also had an impact on the tourism industry. The reason is that, when people are spending more of their money on gas, they will usually detest taking long road trips which they would have otherwise gone on. The added expense of pricey fuel makes the people to have less money in their pockets. On the other side, most of the firms involved in the tourism industry like bus companies and the airlines are also under obligations to pay for the gas as well. When the prices of gas go a little bit higher, then the bus companies and the airlines often incur an added cost. In return, they are forced to increase their prices to account for the price increase, forcing people not to go for tourism trips because of the increased traveling costs. The price of gas is affected by many factors such as conflicts in the Middle East where most of it is produced. There are many threats which do not seem to subside, and as a result oil prices are expected to continue rising. This reason there fore makes the future of the tourism industry to be bleak and insecure. Natural disasters are also factors that can have an influence or impact on some certain destinations. Of course, people will not be worried about traveling if they are hit by natural disasters and on the other side, people will not be willing to visit tourist destinations which have been hit by natural disasters. For example, if California was hit by a big earthquake, tourists will be afraid to visit Los Angeles and other tourist areas which are located around. Tourist destinations which are commonly hit by the hurricanes are often shunned by the tourists. Over the years, natural disasters have been increasing in frequency and intensity. Tsunamis are occurring because of the climate changes which do not only affect the atmosphere and the nations as well but also the earthà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s crust. For instance, when South East Asia was hit by Tsunami, 230, 000 lives of the coastal communities were taken and this actually affected the Tourism industry. Recent earthquakes, landslides a nd volcanic eruptions may become a common phenomenon in the world as a result of global warming which changes the earthà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s crust. The natural disasters therefore reduce the number of tourists willing to travel to different destination sites thus making the Tourism industry to be insecure Watts (2009, p. 23). The type of customers is also a very important factor which affects the Tourism industry. This is attributed to the fact that different tourist industries all over the world will often sell their services and products to different types of tourists. This is also called market segmentation and it involves the identification of the different types or groups of customers who exist in a country and the subsequent treatment of each type of tourist as a very different segment. Some of the different types of tourists that may need different treatment include the leisure tourists, business tourist, the independent tourist, the package holiday makers and the age specific groups. Failure of the tourism industry to treat the tourists according to their needs reduces the number of their clients and therefore creating a negative impact. This of course will make the tourism industry to become insecure, Robin, (2010 p. 121,). Terrorism has always had a major effect on the economy of the world and particularly on the Tourism industry. The threats of terrorism are increasing on a daily basis as well as the intensity of the attacks The trend that terrorists always tend to strike on the famous tourism destinations is also a big factor that has influenced the tourism industry. Terrorism therefore remains one of the most dreaded threats to the Tourism industry since the US 9/11 attacks. The latest tourist destination to be attacked by the terrorisms is the Taj Mahal Hotel which is based in Mumbai India. As of now, each continent is faced with terrorist threats ranging from Africa to America, the Arab countries, South East Asia and even India. Neighboring countries which are close to the countries affected by the terrorists attacks are a big worry to the global tourists who always view the whole areas surrounding them as being unsafe for tourism trips. It therefore remains a fact that when disaster, war or even terror strikes any country, the arrival of the tourists in these nations will go on a declining end and this will negatively affect the economy of the nations which greatly rely on the tourism industry as a source of income. With possible threats of the terrorist attacks, the tourism industry becomes very insecure, Hayde (2010, P. 18). Another factor that will make the tourism industry not to be secure is the climate change which has greatly affected many nations. The destruction of the natural eco-system all over the world will deplete all the beautiful sceneries and animals that are a major source of tourist attraction and therefore making the future of this sector to be bleak and insecure. The advisory notes and travel bans written by different countries advising its citizens against visiting some countries based on the fear of the terrorist attacks is also another factor that greatly affects the tourism industry. This current state of events proves the fact that insecurity often hampers investment. Many of the tourist destination sites are therefore becoming insecure because of the numerous travel bans imposed on them. Failure of the tourists to travel to these tourism destinations makes this industry to be insecure. The difference of tourism now and before is that unlike before, the current tourism industries have appreciated the use of technology in that most of their services are automated. Unlike before, one does not have to travel physically to the headquarters of an airline company to book a seat to travel, instead, one can only log on to the websites of the airline industry and book the available tickets electronically to travel. Unlike before, communication and transportation has greatly improved and thus enabled quicker and faster communication between the client and the Tourism industry. Transactions are done quickly and efficiently through the introduction of the internet and email services. The introduction of the mobile phones has also enhanced the communication aspects of the tourism industry and as such the clients are able to inquire about the different services and goods being offered by the tourism industries all over the world, Baines (1998 p. 162). The introduction of e-commerce has unlike before made it possible for different tourism industries located all over the world to market their tourism destinations through the use of E-store. People willing to travel to different tourist destinations all over the world are able to view the sites on the internet which can be seen as a reality and therefore creating curiosity for them to physically visit the sites. Tourism products have therefore become one of the popular items which are traded over the internet with the advent of e-commerce, a technology which did not exist before. On the other hand, the invention of technology and good infrastructure has created a number of problems for some of the countries with good tourist destinations. For instance, terrorists hijacked planes and caused a big loss on the property and lives of the American people in the September 9/11 attacks. The use of the internet has also created room for the hackers who get access to the relevant websites and confidential information of the tourism industry and use it for their own malicious gains. The introduction of the destructive programs, also known as the viruses on the World Wide Web (the internet) has also created substantial losses for the tourism industry since they have made the tourism sector to incur losses in terms of losing very crucial information in their organizations all over the world.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Characters Of Samson And Dalila in Miltons Samson Agonistes Essay

The Characters Of Samson And Dalila in Milton's Samson Agonistes      Ã‚   The character of Dalila is first described by Samson, in his opening dialogue with the Chorus, as "that specious Monster, my accomplish'd snare." He also later describes her as "fallacious, unclean, unchaste". Thus when she finally appears in person, the reader is perhaps surprised to hear the Chorus uses a simile of a pulchritudinous ship to describe Dalila, "so bedeck'd, ornate and gay". It is the first mention of her physical beauty. Neither does the Chorus merely mention it in passing; the chorus takes a total of eleven lines to describe the full extent of Dalila's beauty. The Chorus continues this extended simile, admiring her "tackle trim . . . and streamers waving". She even smells sweet, being followed by a damsel train and "amber scent of odorous perfume". It seems as if the Chorus has fallen under Dalila's spell as Samson had.    Samson, however, is under no such illusions. Perhaps his blindness prevents him from capitulating to her beauty, in the same way that in Greek mythology, sailors, having blocked up their ears, saw the Sirens for the evil creatures that they were, rather than be charmed to their deaths by their beautiful singing. His blindness is perhaps the reason that he has made no reference to Dalila's beauty - her seemingly only asset he is no longer able to appreciate. Unlike the Chorus, Samson is not so welcoming. He calls her a "Traitress" and bids the Chorus not to let her go near him. The Chorus, however, seems powerless to act against Dalila, as "yet on she moves". They appear to still be under the spell of Dalila's captivating beauty, this time assimilating her beauty with that of "a fair flower". ... ...le Milton. New York: Penguin, 1977 [1949]. Erskine-Hill, Howard. Poetry and the Realm of Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. Fish, Stanley. How Milton Works. Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2001. Hale, John K. "Milton's Preface to 'Samson Agonistes.'" The Explicator. Vol. 52. No. 2. P. 73. (Winter 1994): 3 pp. Online. Internet. 20 April. 1997. Lewalski, Barbara. The Life of John Milton. Malden: Blackwell Publishers Inc, 2000. Martindale, Charles. John Milton and the Transformation of Ancient Epic. Totowa: Barnes and Noble Books, 1986. Milton, John. Samson Agonistes.   In John Milton: Complete Poems and Major Prose. Ed. Merritt Y. Hughes. New York: Macmillan, 1957. 531-93. Radzinowicz, Mary Ann. Towards Samson Agonistes: The Growth of Milton's Mind. Princeton:   Princeton University Press, 1978.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Major League Baseball :: essays research papers

A Winning Hand In all professional athletics a team’s general manager is a huge piece of their overall success. In this particular situation we are dealing with baseball, where a team’s general manager is huge. There are some excellent general manager’s in Major League Baseball such as the Dodgers Paul Depodesta and the Red Sox Theo Epstein. But in this article the author specifically focused on the one GM who everyone that is familiar with sports knows of, the Oakland Athletics Billy Beane. Beane has always been a big time GM of the A’s Sandy Alderson. Alderson was the general manager of the Athletics back in the early 90’s when Billy Beane was just an Oakland scout. Beane has always been a part of big time free agent pick ups, trades, bring in rookies, or unloading franchise players. In 1992 while being a scout he and Alderson following an American League West title unloaded pricey free agent super stars, no wait resigned them. Now that does not sound like the B illy Beane of today. Ron Darling, Mark McGwire, Ruben Sierra, and Terry Steinbach all were given long term deals. So why to this day does Beane get rid of high priced star players rather than resign them like he and Alderson did in the past. Well maybe it’s because their decision to resign those players was merely an emotional decision, or maybe it’s because the team suffered six consecutive sub .500 seasons since all those re signings. That was chapter one of three in the Billy Beane era. Chapter two occurred a few A Winning Hand 3 years back when the A’s climbed back out of the AL West cellar and became a first place team again. Oakland now had a new GM, (Billy Beane) who succeeded alderson. Boy has he done an incredible job since acquiring that position in rank. Beane and the Athletics payroll is about $60 million, which is considered to be very small market. Billy Beane first created a star in now New York Yankee’s first baseman Jason Giambi. Giambi’s career sky rocketed in Oakland where he won the American League MVP award with Oakland. Now you would think a GM with any brains would resign a player like that immediately, not Beane. Giambi left and is now a Yankee, battling parasite sickness, and busy apologizing to the sport and fans of baseball because he used steroids.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Example of Bad Essay Writting

TREASURE HUNT On one fine day, me and my four other friends were planned to have sushi’s as our lunch at the famous Japanese restaurant that just opened recently. While heading to the restaurant, I’ve noticed that there is an old man having a difficulty collecting his stuffs that just fell on the street. Thus, we decided to help the old man collecting his stuffs back to his bag. While collecting his stuffs, we noticed that, there are lots of old things such as an old paper and many more. After we’ve finished picked up his stuffs and placed it properly in his bag, the old man thanks us for helping him picking up his stuffs.Then, the old man wants to thanks us by giving out one of his stuffs which old papers that looks just like a mystery map. The old man told us it is not an old piece of an ordinary paper, it is a lost treasure map that will guide us to find a treasure that has been buried in a jungle called Goggie jungle. At first we don’t believe wheatear the old man is telling us the truth or not. But after listened to his interesting story, we were really curious whether there is a treasure buried in the Goggie jungle or not. Thus we all have decided to have an expedition together to hunt the buried treasure hiding in the jungle.A week before we went to the jungle, we have planned on what to bring along and what not to. Thus we have listed out the reason why we chosen the items to bring along with us in our expedition. First must item that we have chosen to bring along are spade. The purpose of a spade is to help us dig out the buried treasure. Plus, it is also can be used as one of our self defend items that could help us kill or chase away wild animals that could be found in the jungle such as snakes or even wild lizards that could cause us to be in a danger while in the jungle.Since it is a very useful item, we decided to bring two spades along with us for the expedition. Secondly, we have chosen to bring a compass together wit h us. A compass is used to identified and guide us towards to the location of the buried treasure from the map. Thus, the main function of compass is to shows the direction that we should follow in order us to find the exact location in the jungle and this could also help us from getting lost in the jungle. Next, we have chosen to bring a rope along with us the expedition.The purpose of a rope is to help us cross the river that might be blocking us way towards the treasure location. Other than that, a rope is used to help us to go up and down the steep hill and helps us to tie the tent. The fourth item that we have chosen to bring along with us is torchlight. A torchlight is used as a light sources at night and it is also can be used as an S. O. S sign if we ever get lost in the jungle. In addition, torchlight can also be used as a self-defend item where, the light could help us chase wild animals that could be hiding behind the bushes at night.Furthermore, we have chosen to bring a knife together with us. The purpose of a knife is to cut off the bushes that might be preventing our way towards to our destination. It is also used as a self-defend if we are in a danger while in the jungle. Plus, a knife is used as a cooking utensil item where, we used a knife to cut off fruits or vegetables that we could find in the jungle. Last but not least, a compulsory item that we must bring along with us in the expedition is binocular.A binocular is to look out things that are far away from us. This could help us to stay alert and prevent us with things that might cause us to be in danger while in jungle. After finished choosing the important items that we should bring along with us in our expedition which is spades, rope, torchlight, knife, compass and a binocular. All these items that we have chosen are very useful and it could help us to be successful complete the treasure hunt. Thus, we are all excited to start our first experience of a treasure hunt.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Internnational Negotiations Reflective Essay

Final Reflective Essay To begin with, I would like to say that the course of International Negotiations was very important for me. It lasted only two weeks but this time was enough to understand many things, to have good lessons and real negotiations that changed my life. It is not â€Å"loud words†; it is what I feel like now. First of all, the course began with meeting people of the group, learning nationalities and understanding what is real international negotiations are. In different tasks of lesson I tried to know more about the way of doing negotiations with different people.I am convinced that different ways of thinking and cultures make negotiations special. You can know rules of doing negotiations but it is not all. You also need to know a person, sometimes his culture and set of mind. These two weeks showed me that different cultural sets of mind are very difficult to overcome. In some moments I could not do it and I lost because of it. However, this is the point of international negotiations when you are dealing with different people from other countries. First negotiations in this class showed me that I was not prepared well for them.It was difficult for me, because I was not sure if I was negotiating in the right way or not. I think that when you have real negotiations you have more time to do your homework, to set up your goals and results which you want to get. It is always easier when you know your target, points which you can lose or gain. In my case, I realized how to do it after the third lesson when we tried to negotiate about multiple issues. Negotiations are not simple things. Sometimes you need to lose in some moments to gain in main one.Now I can see it, I can feel when it is important something for a person or not. In negotiations you always have a chance to know it. If somebody gives up very quickly it means that this issue or moment does not play a great role for him. Moreover, in the beginning of this course I thought that I am a risk-averse person. I did not like to take a risk because of fear of losing more. However, after this course I realized that I can be risk-seeking and I want to take a risk in some moment, but it is very ifficult to negotiate with a person with opposite opinion, especially when you are in one team. Difference in risk attitudes can fail your negotiations. It happened to me after the course. I had the negotiations with the person from other country. I thought that we were in one team, I wanted to take a risk, but he did not. Our negotiations failed, especially for me. I tried to make it works but I could not. I think that we had such kind of negotiations when our bargaining zones did not cross.We could not to find solutions and ways to make a deal, so it failed. Maybe, if it was more important for us and we could not refuse of it we would make a deal. In conclusion I would like to say that the success of negotiations is in ability to understand the problem in your negotiations. Y ou also need to find ways of solving the problem that are suitable for all partners. It is the most difficult part. To implement your decision you need to know your partner, to know his goals, main issues or moments that he does not care about.It is very important for me in negotiations to know the person, sometimes his way of thinking, his set of mind. Moreover, after the course I realized that in some moments I want to take risk, I want to be risk-seeking. However, there are situations when negotiations fail. I am convinced that in such cases I need to try more to make it happens, to make a deal. However, sometimes it does not work not because of you, but because of your partner. All partners should put efforts into the negotiations and they will reach the solution.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Laziness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Laziness - Essay Example It may manifest as an unmotivated individual, unreasonable expectations of entitlement, procrastination, manipulation, or simply not doing what should be done. Society is impacted by disrupted production schedules, co-worker animosity, missed work, and the eventual firing of the lazy person. This paper will review some of the current literature in regards to laziness and report the findings as to the cause, effects, and implications of laziness. While there are significant differences in the self-perception of procrastinators and non-procrastinators, research has not shown the cause of these differences. A comprehensive study by Ferrari, Driscole, and Diaz-Morales, reported that, "procrastinators have negative feelings about their actual self-concept faculties and self-presentation tactics", and that "they are not pleased by how they view themselves, similar to the perceptions reported by observers of their behaviors" (120). However, the research did not report whether procrastination was the cause or the effect of the negative self-concept. In two studies that involved Turkish students that procrastinated academic tasks, fear of failure was the main reason cited for delaying a task (Ozer, Demir, and Ferrari 245, 251). This would indicate that a low self-esteem is a cause of procrastination. As long as the victim does not start the task, there is no failure, and they won't be the subjects of ridicule. In addition, women sho wed a greater fear of failure that resulted in procrastination than men (Ozer, Demir, and Ferrari 253). This is in line with the female difference that tends to be more avoidant of fear from an early age. A second reason cited by men for procrastinating, rebellion against control, was not a major reason for female avoidance (Ozer, Demir, and Ferrari 253). In addition to these active procrastinators, some people are passive procrastinators. They are victims of themselves and "do not intend to procrastinate, but they often end up postponing tasks because of their inability to make decisions quickly and to thereby act on them quickly" (Chu and Choi 247). Still, poor self-image and a fear of failure are the main reasons driving both male and female procrastination.Laziness may be quantified by the degree to which a person feels entitled to a reward without regards to their productive output. In workplace studies, it has been reported that "women generally earn less than men and report l ess income entitlement than men do" (Ciani, Summers, and Easter 333). From this point of view, men have a greater expectation of entitlement for the same performance or output. Taken to the logical extension, men would be more likely to have someone support them, a spouse, trust fund, or the system, even though society views them as deviant. This is a classical definition of laziness in regards to work, and may generalize to other areas of a person's life. Ciani, Summers, and Easter report that "today's college students are more selfish, superficial, and narcissistic than ever before" (332). These students have been self-inflated throughout grade school and high school, and they enter college with a sense of entitlement to grades, resulting in grade inflation across the country (Ciani, Summers, and Easter 333). Once again, in the academic setting, men were more likely to feel a greater sense of entitlem

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Service delivery should not be a priority focus for Non-Governmental Essay

Service delivery should not be a priority focus for Non-Governmental Organisations' (NGOs) work. Discuss, with reference to relevant literature and examples, a - Essay Example On the other hand, the delivery of services as well as every other activity that would be possibly undertaken by the NGO’s should be based on a series of rules and ethics that could ensure the quality and the relevance of these activities around the world. It is for this reason that Lewis (2001, 1) supported that ‘for some NGOs the delivery of services will doubtless require a set of practices and techniques which could usefully draw upon public and private sector approaches; For NGOs involved in campaigning and networking, perhaps less of this material will be of value, and new approaches are needed’. In other words, in accordance with the above researcher, not all activities of NGOs should be regulated strictly by governmental rules and principles but mainly the delivery of services. However, it is not made clear whether the above rules should refer to particular issues related with the delivery of services or would contain rather general guidelines and suggestions. At a next level, in order to understand the role of service delivery in the operation of NGOs, we should primarily present a definition of these organisations as it has been formulated during their operation throughout the world. In accordance with a definition given by Mawlawi (1993, 391) ‘broadly defined, NGOs are private, voluntary, non-profit organizations whose members combine their skills, means and energies in the service of shared ideals and objectives’. Moreover, Mawlawi, explains the main characteristics of NGOs based on the definition presented above. In this context it is stated that ‘NGOs vary in scope, resource base and influence as well as in functional and ideological orientation; they may be local, national or international, and include service groups, prominent foundations and professional or other membership organizations; NGOs are generally dependent on private resources, but in several countries they receive government support as well’ (Mawlawi, 1993,

Monday, October 7, 2019

Entrepreneurship & Innovation Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Entrepreneurship & Innovation - Dissertation Example As of 2010, more than half a billion people have embarked on new entrepreneurial ventures. One of these extraordinary entrepreneurs is Arthur Lok Jack. Arthur Lok Jack is an entrepreneur who possesses the following characteristics: risk-taker; innovative; has foresight and vision; resourceful; persistent; ambitious, intelligent and knowledgeable; hard-working; realistic; adaptable; business savvy; and practices networking. Risk-taking Risk-taking among entrepreneurs involves taking calculated actions designed to control and minimize the risks involved, at the same time ensuring that goals are achieved. This behaviour sets entrepreneurs apart from gamblers who depend on chance and from individuals who prefer to â€Å"play it safe† (Joseph 2003). Risk-taking behaviour is viewed as beneficial, as revealed in the positive association between risk and output wherein a higher level of risk increases the likelihood of getting impressive results (Analoui & Karami 2003). Penrose (1959) asserted that entrepreneurship involves determining opportunities within the economic system, including those which entail a high amount of risk. Rauch and Frese (2007) attributed risk-taking behaviour on the entrepreneur’s propensity to make decisions on situations which show low likelihood of success. This behaviour makes entrepreneurs stand out compared to risk-averse individuals. However, risk-taking may have different interpretations. For example, ordinary consumers might view such behaviour as reckless. On the other hand, business owners consider risk-taking as a move to minimize risk when making business decisions. Innovativeness Entrepreneurs constantly strive to find ways to develop and introduce new and unique products and services. Innovation may come in five forms: (1) introduction of a new product or improvement in the quality of existing ones; (2) new methods of production; (3) opening of new market; (4) new source of supply or raw materials or half-manufacture d goods; and (5) new industrial organization (Joseph 2003). Schumpeter (1935) envisioned an entrepreneur as an economic agent capable of creating novel combinations of production factors in response to investment opportunities. An entrepreneur is viewed as an indispensable element of the capitalist economy who embodies the principles of capitalist change, as well as industrial and technological change. There is mounting evidence that entrepreneurial innovativeness is significantly correlated to success. This applies to innovation on a personal and organizational level. Organizational level of innovation reflects how innovative an entrepreneur is. The relationship between innovation and success can be predominantly observed on new technology organizations compared to traditional industries (Rauch & Frese 2007). Rutherford and Holt’s (2007) investigation on the link between individual and corporate-level innovativeness pointed out two important facts. First, innovativeness is b ased on a personal willingness to develop and introduce improvements and innovations in work process. Second, individual focus on innovativeness is suggested since entrepreneurial activities are created and implemented by individuals. Foresight and vision Entrepreneurs are visionaries, able to foresee where the company should be in the future. Gillespie-Brown (2008) describes how an entrepreneur envisions the: (1) future of existing products and services; (2) reinvention of the business; and (3) generation of opportunities in present markets. Bellini (2005) defined foresight

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 12

Case study - Essay Example She spent two months in a coma, then her diagnosis was elevated to a vegetative state. Though the doctors spent years trying to help Terri to become aware, it was to no avail. She was physically alive, but her brain was giving up. She had succumbed to being little more than a body only managing to live due to the machines and technology offered by the hospital. It was in 1998 that Terri’s husband, Michael, petitioned to have the feeding tube removed from Terri, which would cause her to die. Terri’s parents, Robert and Mary Schindler, argued against this decision, claiming that Terri was still alive. In 2001, the court determined that Terri would not want to wish to continue these measures that kept her alive and ordered to have her feeding tube removed. Even though it was replaced several days later, after a lengthy court process that went as far as Federal legislation, the tube was permanently removed in 2005. One side of the argument was that regardless of her condition, Terri Schiavo was still alive. This side favored keeping the feeding tube in unless Terri’s condition deteriorated. The other side argued over the morality of keeping her in a state that caused her to be unaware and unresponsive. Each side felt that they would be acting morally, and that the opposing side of the argument were being very immoral in their actions. In regard to whether or not the actions to remove Terri from her feeding tube were moral or immoral, all that needs to be considered is that Terri Schiavo had been unable to make the decision for herself whether or not she wanted to continue to live. Therefore, the court had no right to determine that she would not have wanted to continue the use of the feeding tube. While they may have made a valid point, there was no way of knowing for sure what was truly in the best interest of Terri. As such, as long as something was

Saturday, October 5, 2019

How effective has the World Health Organization performed its main Essay

How effective has the World Health Organization performed its main functions when dealing with international pandemics - Essay Example The threat to national security because of the advent of globalization is also global in scope. The role that the World Health Organization attends to is so vast that it will never be able to address the problem of international health security unless the member states of WHO help as well. Of all the countries around the world, 193 are members of the World Health Organization. These countries have vowed to prevent diseases (viral and bacterial alike) from growing and possibly transferring to neighboring states. The member countries of the WHO meet regularly to make sure that possible breakout of disease is prevented and people of the world are aware on what is going. The World Health Organization uses essential fields of academic discipline in assuring the safety of the world. Medicine, as the group’s primary thrust develops cures for different illnesses that might possibly break out. Given the situation of the world and the goals of the WHO, this essay aims to address whether or not the World Health Organization serves as the guiding group into promoting health on top of the chart of health awareness around the globe. Moreover, it is a must to assess the current forms of implementation of the effectiveness of such in a modern world perspective. Finally, it must be noted how the WHO provides information to member and non-member countries on how to prevent possible spread of diseases. The International Health Regulations (IHR) was revised in 2005 to make sure that the standards of the WHO in fighting spreading diseases are up to date. The current revision aims to empower individual countries so as they could fight the spread of diseases at their first sign. Furthermore, the IHR instructs member countries to be aware of possible ‘human biological attacks’ which might not be possible to be responded to by the World Health Organization. The

Friday, October 4, 2019

A Man That Holds My Heart Essay Example for Free

A Man That Holds My Heart Essay Many people have ways of influencing others. Most people use words to affect other people. An amount of individuals would utilize their gift of persuasion to convince others of their causes or maybe arguments, while some use authority to force people to do as they are told. These several differences can apply to fathers as well. Not all fathers are similar when it comes to educating their children. Many are gentle, while some are more dominant. Randy T Caldwell, a somewhat young spirited middle aged man. Dark skinned with black Gucci frames to accommodate his big brown eyes. Standing 5’11, board shoulders, happy, loving, man of Christ and always seen with a look upon his face that means business falls under those descriptions of a father. My father is a man of many words. He is a very talkative man, somewhat quiet but only when listening to someone of when needed. He is not a very persuasive person like others, nor does he use authority to get his message across. All the lessons I’ve learned from my father were never taught in lectures or by long stories. Instead, he gave me real life examples for me to follow. I learned everything I needed to know from my father, through his own life. It was the way he lived his poverty stricken and fearful life which taught me how to live a more effective, goal reaching, non-poverty stricken live. Indeed, my father was a man of many words and was a man of many words but yet he had a soft heart. My father has simple interests. He is very fond of watching college football, and often watches when he can. When he has time he would go hiking occasionally. However, his favorite thing to do is go fishing. At such a young age, I was very fascinated with the fact that he would bring home huge, 10 foot long, stinky fish but I always loved it. Aside from being an outdoor, outgoing , talkative man ; my father was a man of Christ. Just like on the man that are always, dressed up , Stay Adams , the best pen striped suit, at the front of the church serving communion on first Sundays . That’s My Father! Even though he had a horrible, poverty stricken, gangster life as a child he is a firm believer in Christ. He has not preached about his faith even though he is very talkative; he has never given lessons on religious and mortality. He just simply lived by example. Whenever faced with difficulty, he simply thinks about what Christ would do in a situation as such. It was one the most remarkable things I find remember able about him. In one instance, I went fishing with my father. I’m not really fond of the outdoors like he was, but I loved spending time with him. It had been raining earlier that morning, so the fishing area was wet. He insisted we go to is regular spot so we did. It was under an old rugged beat down bridge that was covered with green algae. By the time we were done fishing we both were hungry. We proceeded to the nearest fast food place, which happened to be McDonald’s. As I ate my lunch it began to rain very badly; I than begin to look out the window at an old man whose clothes torn with the look of death in his eyes, standing in the middle of the parking lot. As my father made his way to the table where I was dining he caught my gaze. He immediately re packed his Big Mac fully made all the way everything on it , his supersized fry, and even his drink and went right out the door. Just as hungry as he was he gave the old man his meal. On the way home my father said nothing. Again, he taught me a lesson through his own example. My father can be described as many things talkative, outgoing, loving, caring, and firm believer in Christ. But one thing he will always be described as to me would be the man that has taught me to be the best I can be. My father is a good father, he is rather different than other fathers; but that’s what makes him the best.