Monday, December 30, 2019

Do the Ends Justify the Means - 1115 Words

Robert Sasson Final Paper ENG 2800 12-09-09 Do the Ends Justify the Means? Literature is often a vehicle for social commentary. Two works of literature that express criticism of practices in the society in which they were written are Niccolo Machiavelli’s Mandragola and the Gospel According to Saint Matthew. In his satirical comedy, Machiavelli indirectly criticizes the hypocritical practices of the Catholic Church; however, Jesus in the Gospel According to Saint Matthew instead directly condemns all evil deeds, few of which are criticized in Mandragola. The main difference between the two criticisms is that Machiavelli believes if positive ends are the product of corrupt†¦show more content†¦Jesus explains the material world is merely temporary, so don’t treasure it because it won’t be here forever, and instead place emotional attention on the pleasures of the next world. Analyzing Timoteo’s actions in Mandragola we see he has fallen short of understanding the advice of Jesus, more concerned with the monetary gain s for himself, instead of using good Christian judgment. Unlike Machiavelli, Jesus is encouraging people to stop all bad behavior at the start. We see Jesus’ initiative to prevent evil deeds at its foundation, â€Å"You have heard that it was said to those in ancient times, ‘You shall not murder’; and ‘whoever murders shall be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you that if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be liable to judgment; and if you insult a brother or sister, you will be liable to the council; and if you say, ‘You fool,’ you will be liable to hell of fire† (Matthew 5:21-22). Here Jesus makes clear that he wants his followers to be conscious of the words they use, seeing that being hostile or insulting a person is preemptive to murder and attaining unfavorable ends. In Mandragola, Timoteo knows that he is acting as an accomplice in facilitating adultery between the sex-hungry Callimaco and the married Lucrezi a. Nonetheless he chooses toShow MoreRelatedDo the Ends Ever Justify the Means?1295 Words   |  6 PagesDo the Ends Ever Justify the Means? When I first heard about the book The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, I thought it was just a reading assignment when I was in high school that I had to complete for a grade. As I began reading I became particularly interested in Henrietta Lacks and the HeLa cells. In The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Rebecca Skloot talks about Henrietta Lacks and how her cells were taken without her permission, and how her family suffered afterwards. Skloot shows howRead More Social Influence Research - Do the Ends Justify the Means? Essay865 Words   |  4 PagesSocial Influence Research - Do the Ends Justify the Means? 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Black Boy By Richard Wright - 1220 Words

Black Boy Research Paper Richard Wright was born after the Civil War but before the Civil Right Era. If he were writing an autobiography titled Black Boy Today (2016) about a black boy growing up in the United States, he would write about racial profiling against blacks, the wide education gap between black and white, and the unequal job opportunities for blacks. If Wright was to write Black Boy today, he would examine the phenomenon of racial profiling because it is one of the most serious and longstanding issue in today’s society. Many black are being targeted for suspicion of crime, and in some cases, murdered by a law enforcement officials because of their race. On August 9, 2014, a white police officer named Darren Wilson shot an unarmed black teenager named Michael Brown multiple times in Ferguson, Missouri. According to the news article â€Å"From Ferguson to Charleston and Beyond, Anguish about Race Keep Building† by Lydia Polgreen, even though there was a video tape showing that the black teenager was unarmed, the grand jury still decided not to indict the police office because they believed the old assumption that African Americans are more likely to be criminals. â€Å"Grand juries have tended to give the benefit of the doubt to police officers. National polls revealed deep divisions in how whites and blacks viewed t he facts in each case. Whites were more likely to believe officers’ accounts justifying the use of force. Blacks tended to see deeper forces at work:Show MoreRelatedBlack Boy By Richard Wright1590 Words   |  7 PagesLiterature 12/5/11 Black Boy Analysis Essay Richard Wright s autobiography Black Boy is a book that narrates Wright’s life growing up as an African-American in the woods of Mississippi during Jim Crow laws. Many African Americans were Wright were from faced financial struggles. These tough living circumstances greatly affected his youth. Black Boy examines the tough times Wrights and his family faced. Wrights tough youth seemed to have a huge affect on Wrights life. It is story of one boy’sRead MoreBlack Boy By Richard Wright Essay758 Words   |  4 Pages1 December 2016 Black Boy Essay In the world, segregation and oppression has always been a problem. Moreover, blacks have been treated inhumanely and terribly for years. Especially for Richard, he always gets treated like trash and beaten even when he does nothing wrong. He is even discriminated against by other blacks for being different and having an opinion. In Black Boy by Richard Wright, Richard is trying to convey how white people, in particular, dictate everything blacks do and how it drasticallyRead MoreBlack Boy by Richard Wright533 Words   |  2 Pages Richard Wright chooses the title â€Å"Black Boy† to describe how his life was when he was going up by his race of his color. To me he chooses the title black to get people action and to get the mind wondering an thinking why is this book named black boy. Back in the day when Richard was growing up there was a lot of racism going on. Black people was not getting treated right at all to the white man they just looked like pets to them. The y looked like they weren’t worth nothing to them notRead MoreBlack Boy By Richard Wright1827 Words   |  8 Pagesdifferent. In the 1900s, blacks were constantly treated sub-humanly by whites. In his memoir Black Boy, Richard Wright writes of the struggles of growing up a black boy in the south during that time and the mental strain it causes. Wright uses his narration to express the difference between what someone says and and what they think or feel and how the lack of ability to fully express himself was a prime cause of alienation. As a young boy, Wright didn’t know that, as a black boy in the south, in orderRead MoreBlack Boy By Richard Wright2269 Words   |  10 Pagesautobiography Black Boy by Richard Wright, the narrator uses many examples to display his lack of hunger in the world. Wright was an African American boy who grew up in South during the early 1900’s, a time period known as the Jim Crow laws era. These laws depicted racial discrimination and segregation against Black people portraying racist turmoil in United States history. It was a difficult task for Wright to grow up in the South being an African American during this time period. Wright was born intoRead MoreBlack Boy By Richard Wright1597 Words   |  7 Pagesgood and bad, that have shaped their community to show that they are more than just a race. Some periods in time such as the segregated South and the Vietnam War have shaped and changed the lives of many African American families. Black Boy, a memoir by Richard Wright, ta lks about his youth and experience in the segregated South. Bloods by Wallace Terry, on the other hand, showcases a collection of stories, events, and experiences of African Americans that have gone through the Vietnam War. BothRead MoreBlack Boy By Richard Wright2203 Words   |  9 Pages Black Boy by Richard Wright is a well written novel that talks about him growing up in the Jim Crow south. By the title you know he is African American and living in the Jim crow south he soon found out that white folks were about to do more and were better than blacks. The two races were not equal and blacks were often discriminated, hated, and punished for the most simple things. Many were punished for simple things such as looking the wrong way at a white women, things that in todays societyRead MoreHeroic: Black Boy by Richard Wright1416 Words   |  6 PagesIn Richard Wright’s Black Boy, you see not only the transformation of a young boy going into adulthood, but a fascinating story of a hero on a journey to discover his true identity and his part in society. â€Å"Heroism is not about rising to the top, fighting for ones rightful place in society, but rather about making ones society and ones self whole. There is, however, also the notion that the right person can solve even global problems single-handedly. If the right person attempts such a feat, itRead MoreRichard Wright s Black Boy1310 Words   |  6 Pagesbetter life. Richard Wright from the book Black Boy, John H. Johnson from the article Celebrating the Life and Legacy of John H. Johnson 1918-2005 and many other people listed in the article Whose Canon? Gwendolyn Brooks: Founder at the center of Margins, have experienced this first hand. But in the end, aspirations lead to accomplishments if you have the power to overcome others doubts. Black Boy, an autobiography written by Richard Wright, shows the effects of an aspiring young boy. Education forRead MoreAnalysis Of Black Boy By Richard Wright914 Words   |  4 PagesRichard Wright’s autobiography, Black Boy, published in 1945, focuses on his journey as a young black male growing up in the South. Wright, born in 1908, details the struggles he experienced throughout his early life, allowing the reader to gain a wider understanding of this time period. He adopts the social critic mode, powerfully commenting on societal issues, especially concentrating on race, gender, and religion. Wright uses social critic mode to emphasize the racial divide in the South during

Friday, December 13, 2019

Sleep Deprivation and Teenagers Free Essays

As a teenager and a first year post-secondary student, I can argue that as we get older, our amount of sleep gradually decreases. You have probably heard of the saying â€Å"The More, The Merrier,† and you might assume that according to this research paper, it means â€Å"The More Sleep, The Better,† but in reality and as a society, we believe that it means if you work more, do more, and do everything as fast as possible, you will achieve great success. The problem is that we have adapted to such a negative and wrong motto that it is affecting each and every single one of us teenagers. We will write a custom essay sample on Sleep Deprivation and Teenagers or any similar topic only for you Order Now We need to be reminded of the consequences sleep deprivation has on important aspects of our lives, such as both mental and physical well-being, school, jobs, family, and relationships. Millions of students seek ways to keep themselves awake for a longer period of time and throughout the day. Popular culture has responded to our needs by creating material goods such as energy drinks, coffee, electronics, and pills. It might keep individuals awake and might make them believe that they are full of energy, but at what point does the body and mind get the required nine hours of rest in order to function to its maximum capability? Students prioritize their lives but health seems to be one of the last on their mind. A recent survey by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that, â€Å"only 15% of teenagers regularly get the nine hours of sleep they need each night† (Foldvary-Schaefer, p. 9). This means Bhullar 2 that the other 85% are falling beneath the required amount. Lack of sleep can mean that the body is more vulnerable to diseases and virus attacks. At the same time it can interfere with memory, concentration, mood swings, mental abilities, and weight gain, just to name a few. Such things can lead to other problems like bulimia, loss of job, failure in school, and physical accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are as many as 100,000 car crashes every year involving a drowsy driver. Over half of the crashes involved adolescence (Thorpy, p. 6). If you give attention to the transformation between early years of elementary school and later years in secondary school, you’ll notice the change in sleeping habit and workload. The younger you are, the earlier you fall asleep; the older you are, and the later you fall asleep. As our bodies hit puberty, it experiences a shift in circadian rhythm, the body’s 24-hour clock (Behrens, p. 469). This means that younger children tend to feel tired around eight or nine at night, where as teenagers’ circadian clocks shift to a later sleep time of ten or eleven at night. The need to feel more like adults, by having an active night life seems to only add to the late night sleep. And on the other hand, movies, television programs, internet surfing, facebook-ing, and texting are added to the normalized lifestyle. Our school systems also play a big part in loss of sleep. Secondary schools and Post-Secondary schools have a stronger workload than that of elementary schools. Although you might believe that the amount of homework that students are assigned is the main reason that older students are sleep deprived or buried in books, it is not. The second reason is the scheduling. Older teenagers are expected to attend school at an earlier time, and complete all course assigned homework. At the same time they are expected to study to achieve high grades Bhullar 3 in order to start a career, to work at a job in order to learn the responsibilities as young adults, to succeed at making their parents proud, and to have a good time in order to enjoy life. As generations are introduced to the world, our culture continues to be developed. Parents believe that adolescence have an easy stress-free life and should be capable of achieving success by spending the least amount of time to achieve it. When in reality, adolescence are living a life almost identical to those of adults, and if anything, adults have fewer stresses. It is most likely that every house hold has at least one family issue which causes stress upon the children. Grown-ups, or people in general who are involved in these issues, seem to be blind to the affect it has upon others within the family. These kinds of situations also have an impact on sleeping habits and teenagers. The environment that we are surrounded by day-to-day is what influences the way we think. Apart from the relationship between family members, adolescence in different communities are maturing a lot faster and creating bonds between themselves and a mate a lot earlier in their lives. What is lost in this process for young teenagers is the knowledge of the negative affects that these relationships that they create have on their lives. It creates more responsibilities, therefore more stress. In a first person’s point of view, when you are in a serious and deep relationship, it can control the way you feel and act. Teenagers tend to be more stubborn, which means that if there is an issue in the relationship, they are most likely going to withstand talking to each other which, in most cases, causes problems falling asleep. Responsibilities are one of the key elements to life, and with it you may get something in return. Money being one of the outcomes requires knowledge in how to earn it, save it, and spend it. As parents, it is an important facet to life that should be taught at an early age in order Bhullar 4 to master it when you are older. Because of this, more and more young teens are forced to get a job and pay for their wants and needs on their own. There are two main points to this idea. The first being that a job alone would cause a lot of stress on an individual and if there is an issue, whether it has to do with the job or something else, it would cause problems that may lead to a loss of employment. Teenagers already struggle with stress, and working harder to keep a job or having to live off of what you have saved up because you may have lost your job, would only add to it. If you pay attention to the thinking process that adolescence must go through almost every day, it can or may have already resulted in stress. As I have previously stated, stress results in sleep deprivation. â€Å"We can’t learn to sleep less. While some people might adapt to sleep loss, and sleep necessity varies, sleep is biological function. There is no substitute for it† (Foldvary-Schaefer, p. 6). Although there are many consequences that are created by loss of sleep, there are ways that we are able to fix these problems. The main cure is simply sleep. But for those of us teenagers who have made it a habit to fall asleep late at night and wake up early in the morning, we are able to re-prioritize our lives. We are able to do things to release the stress that keeps us awake at night, and we are still able to enjoy life to its fullest. What we need to do is sleep at least eight or nine hours of sleep a night, if we need to take a nap, take one no longer than twenty to thirty minutes long before three in the afternoon. Exercise or go for a run two to three hours before going to bed in order to release any worried thoughts or stress. Limit your caffeine intake and try to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol as much as possible. Don’t go to sleep hungry, nor go to sleep on a full stomach, and take a nice relaxing shower before getting ready for bed to calm your entire body (Foldvary-Schaefer, p. 195). Bhullar 5 Sleep may not seem as important as it is, but without sleep, we wouldn’t get anywhere in life. Teenagers need to be aware of the consequences it has on our physical and mental health, school, jobs, family, and relationships if we were to let our body suffer from loss of sleep. Our body and mind need the right amount of hours of rest in order for us to feel fresh and able to complete and deal with tasks that are given throughout the day. We should try and avoid as much stress as possible and make an effort to clear our minds before settling down at the end of the night. As of now, we should all adapt to a more positive motto: â€Å"If you work more, do more, and do everything as fast as possible, you will achieve great success, as long as you let your body recover from a long hard day’s work and give your mind a good night’s rest. † How to cite Sleep Deprivation and Teenagers, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Rapid Prototyping Comes Of

Question: Discuss about the Case Study related to rapid Prototyping. Anwer: Introduction The report focuses on a case study related to rapid prototyping. The aim of this report is to highlight the project management issues of the case study. Frank Billing dreamt of building of rapid prototyping [1]. His dream job was to work for a rapid prototype machine development as he realized its potential in the marketplace. After completion of the Engineering degree, he went for a job at Cocable to clear his debts and school loans. After working with the company for three years, he finally got the chance to work on rapid prototyping. The Case study assessment is elaborated in the following paragraphs. Case Study Assessment Problem Definition Frank worked day and night for three months to build the machines according to the specifications. However, the machine failed to perform in its test run although it was built according to the specification. This mainly occurred because of a problem detected in the CAD model. The length of the model was 62 inches long, while the actual length should have been 55 inches. This made the project fail drastically and redesigning of the RP machines would have taken a lot of time and money. This resulted in entire project running late and in over budget. Therefore, lesson learnt from this case is that, it is utmost essential to have a clear picture of the requirements and specifications of a particular project. Possible Causes of the problem The possible causes of the problem is listed below- 1) Franks machines were optimized for a length of 48 inches and 55 inches were marked to be the safe length. 62 inches went outside the range. 2) The machines if redesigned would have required different processors, actuators and adhesion process, which would have gone out of budget [2]. 3) A proper project management plan was not considered for developing the prototype model. 4) Thorough research about the specification of the project was not properly performed before the project initiation. 5) The project requirements were not properly clarified. The specification of the rapid Prototyping machines were given to Frank and he right away started working on it without clarifying the requirements with the company further [3]. 6) The scope of the project was not clearly defined. Frank did not take any follow up with the company after initiating the work on the project. This was one of the major causes of the problems faced with the project. It was essential to ensure that the project scope is correct by developing a proper project plan and strategic approach to the development of the rapid prototype machines. This was significantly important since the machines were to be built for airplane engines and there could not be any room for error [4]. 7) Another major cause of the project failure was the tight schedule. Developing the machines according to the specifications was essential and they were needed to be perfect. Developing a perfect product requires a considerable amount of time that was not given to Frank. Frank worked day and night to build the machines and the tight schedule left little room for undergoing a proper testing phase. 8) The machines were not tested before the test run. System testing is necessary for every product to be developed as it reveals the bugs present in a system. Frank was not entirely at fault for this issue as it was not possible to perform proper testing procedures of the machines. However, being a developer, he should have considered performing at least the essential testing phases of the machine development. This could have saved him from the embarrassment, and time loss [5]. After considering the probable causes of the problem, it can be well understood that it was fault of the entire project management team. Lack of proper project management plan and systemic methodologies was the source of the problem. Therefore, the payment for the changes should be Cocable and Frank can be charged a fine for not following the specifications of the machine properly [6]. Recommendations Steps that could have been taken to avoid the problems stated above are listed below- 1) Cocable should have held regular meetings with Frank to know about the project progress. This could have helped in identifying the problem in the initial phase of development. 2) Frank should have clarified the specification with the company before initiating the project 3) Frank should have developed a proper project management plan before project initiation. This could have helped in identifying the tight schedule of the project and could have helped him in clarifying for extra time. 4) The project should not have been done in a tight schedule as it was mainly built for an airplane and the perfection of the machines was important. 5) Cocable should have given this project to an experienced RP machine developer [7]. Conclusion Therefore, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that there were a varied number of loophole in the project management and execution of the project. The problem with the newly developed rapid prototype machines could have been identified in the development stage if proper testing of the machines were performed. This could have also saved Cocable from significant loss of time and money. Frank did a mistake of knot crosschecking the specifications and the testing the RP machine he was building. The damage could have been controlled or avoided if the project was not executed in a tight schedule References I. Campbell, D. Bourell and I. Gibson, "Additive manufacturing: rapid prototyping comes of age",Rapid Prototyping Journal, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 255-258, 2012. Pham, Duc, and Stefan S. Dimov.Rapid manufacturing. Springer Science Business Media, 2012. H. Kerzner,Project management. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc, 2017. Mirza, Muhammad Nabeel, Zohreh Pourzolfaghar, and Mojde Shahnazari. "Significance of scope in project success."Procedia Technology9 (2013): 722-729. Larson, Erik W., and Clifford Gray.Project Management. McGraw-Hill, 2013. Young, Trevor L.Successful project management. Vol. 52. Kogan Page Publishers, 2013. Pham, Duc, and Stefan S. Dimov.Rapid manufacturing. Springer Science Business Media, 2012.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Describing Angela Carter Essay Example

Describing Angela Carter Essay Delicious, eccentric, opulent, cruel corrupt: all of these adjectives appear in the story The Bloody Chamber, which do you find helpful in describing Angela Carters style?  In the order of the above title the words valorously mean; appealing to the senses. Deviating from convention in bizarre manner, abundant and plentiful, causing pain without pity, morally deprived and lacking integrity. It would be fair to say that all the above words are helpful in describing Angela Carters style but in varying degrees. The very nature of the stories themselves are cruel ass indeed they were in their original form so it is not totally accurate to say this is her own style exactly. However, there are flashes of pure cruelty, non-essential to the plot. For instance in The Bloody Chamber the count bans his new wife from entering his den but adds cruelly There I can go you understand, to savour the rare pleasure of imagining myself wife less. It is cruel to say this to a new wife and subtly cruel also as we learn the secret of the chamber. In the same story we hear of the Marquis who used to hunt young girls to kill them who boasts of his conquest to the blacksmith, pulling out of a bag a head to show off A find specimen of the genus brunette, eh, Guillaume? It was the head of the blacksmiths wife. Both incidents are little titbits of pure cruelty. We will write a custom essay sample on Describing Angela Carter specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Describing Angela Carter specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Describing Angela Carter specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Opulent is probably not an adjective you would expect of these quite violent tales, but the sense of opulence is seems to add to the pathos of the stories. In The Bloody Chamber we are shown the Counts wealth I drew my furs about me broad stripes errene and sable. It illustrates that wealth is no protector from death and the dead animals around her neck although opulent could be seen to symbolise her own death. He also tells of his great portrait collection of Gangues, Poussins, Fragonares etc (all of victims incidentally) and he tells of his Kings of Sevres and queens ransom of himoques. The description of his wealth is most detailed and certainly opulent. Carter also uses opulence in a non-materialistic sense. In The Lady of the House of Love She uses opulence of nature. Too many roses, too many roses bloomed on enormous thickets and the flowers themselves were almost too luxuriant. Delicious ties in quite well with opulent as something enjoyable and appealing to the senses and as such features a lot in the story, The Bloody Chamber. Funeral lilies whose white sheaths are curled out of a flesh as thick yielding to the touch as vellum. It is a deliciously sensual description using the senses of touch. Later in the same story she appeals to the sense of taste giving a vivid description of a meal. An aromatic soup a cold bird, a cold souffl, cheese all temptingly delicious sounding. She continues to tempt the senses with a visual feast of the Russia they knew Black earth, blue forest white nights of cool summer, the fireworks of the northern lights. She brings smell into the range also, The thick, rich wild scent hangs all about us.. This leaves us with eccentric and corrupt. Throughout the whole book, there are flashes of eccentric behaviour. In the first story, the heroines mother, having previously despatched a man-eating tiger kills her daughters husband. In Mr Lyon we are treated to a King Charles spaniel taking the part of a manservant. Continuing into the Tigers Bride the maid is automation. In The werewolf a small child maims the wolf and calmly cleans her knife and walks on. This brings is finally to corrupt which in my opinion is the most appropriate of all the adjectives and the most widely used in the book. Not only does Angela Carter use corrupt passages, each and every tale is corrupt in some way of form. They are all stories based round moral depravity and lacking in integrity. The lady of the house of love embodies corruption. The them of the tale of a vampire killing for blood is a corruption of life itself and the story is full of further images. She is too beautiful she is unnatural her beauty is a symptom of her disorder, her soulessness she rises when the sun sets. Shortly after this she uses the word herself a blast of rich, faintly corrupt sweetness strong enough almost to fell him plush petals somehow obscene in their excess tightly budded cores outrageous in implications with this paragraph. Carter demonstrates that it is not only humanity that can be corrupt? She emphasises this with one feeding off the other. Tomorrow, her keeper will buy his bones under her roses. The food her roses feed on gives them their rich colour, their smoothing colour, that breathes lasciviously of forbidden pleasures. Man and nature corrupting each other. The story of The Bloody Chamber shows corruption at its best, indeed the count himself is a descendent of Catherine de Medici one of historys most corrupt, amoral characters. The twist to corruption in this tales is that the heroin as we perceive her to be is fallible enough to sense it in herself. I sensed in myself a potentially for corruption that took my breath away. The count catches his young innocent wife reading through his erotic books and taunts her with the words My little nun has found the prayer books has she?. He alludes to what must be the ultimate corruption that of a bride of Christ. He tells his bride that he has bought her with Coloured stones and the pelts of dead beasts. Who is the most corrupt? The giver or the taker? The final depravity he wishes to inflict upon her is baldly stating to her the form of her impending death decapitation he wants her to bathe and dress and be jewel herself for her execution, the behaviour of a totally corrupt individual.  Angela Carter sees the world as a corrupt place peopled by corrupters with nature lending more that a helping hand. The line that sums this up perfectly comes from the Company of Wolves She knew the worst wolves are hairy on the inside.

Monday, November 25, 2019

League of Nations essays

League of Nations essays On the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month of 1918, the armistice is signed effectively halting the war. The final Treaty of Versailles, is signed on June 28, 1919. The League of Nations, a former international organization, which was established by the treaty of Versailles a peace treaty that ended World War I. Like its successor, the United Nations, its purpose was the promotion of international peace and security. The League was a direct product of World War I in the sense that the conflict convinced most persons of the necessity of averting another such cataclysm. But its background lay in the visions of men like the Duc de Sully and Immanuel Kant and in the later growth of formal international organizations like the International Telegraphic Union and the Universal Postal Union. The Red Cross, the Hague Conferences, and the Permanent Court of Arbitration were also important stepping-stones toward international cooperation. With the proposal of Wilson Woodrows fourteen points and the creation of the Covenant, the League of Nations was officially in session. The basis of the League, was written into the Treaty of Versailles and other peace treaties and provided for an assembly, a council, and a secretariat. Because the peace treaties had created the League of Nations, the League was bound to uphold their principles. The League of Nations attempt to stop wars, improve peoples lives, encourage disarmament and enforce the Treaty of Versailles due to a poorly structured organization and a Treaty set out to make the strong nations stronger. The original membership of the league included the victorious of World War I, it also included many of the major powers such as Britain and France with help from Italy. The league also included 42 other minor countries. The headquarters chosen for the League was Geneva Switzerland. The exclusion of the United States, Germany and Russia might have been what...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Court Case on Pre-Elclampsia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Court Case on Pre-Elclampsia - Research Paper Example She gets valuable advice from her doctor that the only way to save her from these contingencies is only through an induced abortion as the fetus is not fully developed to the point where it can stay in an incubator. She goes to court to seek assistance so that she may procure the abortion(Kerry, 2010). The evidence she produces holds water and the judges are adamant to allow her to do as she wishes. The jury rules in her favor and she gets the permit with the assistance of her doctor to make the abortion (British Medical Association, 2012). Pre-eclampasia is pretty grim and looking at the symptoms and the expected end result, it makes one skeptic of the decisions they need to make either in favor or in disregard for the challenges that come with the condition. I think that it is something that affects many women across the globe and some are not even aware of the dangers that beckon them as they continue leading their lives. I believe that education is key to eliminating this devastation that is about to completely change the lives of women. I also feel that there should exist channels that women talk and interact with so as to give their opinions and experiences with pre-eclampasia so that they enlighten each other on the probable ways to overcome if not entirely eliminate the state of affairs.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Childhood memory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Childhood memory - Essay Example The intricacies of a busy family life then was the culprit for my entering school almost two months after the official opening of classes. I gathered, they just forgot. I can still remember the fear I have inside with my heart throbbing ferociously. There I was in my crisp new uniform with a heavy bag loaded with books sheepishly creeping in the classroom accompanied by my mother. Her warm hands clasp my cold sweaty palms. There she was, the teacher – Miss Cruz, (I could never forget her name) smiling and beckoning me to her side. She briefly made a short, rather loud introduction in front of those staring, rather, glaring eyes attached to little children seated in their respective desks. I somehow wondered how in the world did I get an instant desk. And how come they all seem to know each other – whispering to each other (aloud) –when I could hardly recognize any of them? My mother started to bid me goodbye but I refused to get my sweaty hand’s grasp out of her warm palm. No, mommy! Don’t leave me here with these strangers all staring at me like I am some alien from another world – so I thought. With relentless reassurance from Miss Cruz (who started to take my hand off from my mother) and my mom who promised she would stay only outside the classroom where I can still see her and wait until classes are over – did I finally succumb. Anyway, they added, recess is almost near. What is the world does that mean? I wondered. After being seated, a girl right beside my desk, in braids and spectacles, Rebecca, started to talk to me. She asked me what my name was and offered to assist me in the topic they were discussing when my entrance rudely interrupted them. She appeared friendly and her spectacles prevented me from seeing her stare. After that tragic, drastic, nerve-wrecking day, as a naà ¯ve girl of five, I started my academic journey of which until

Monday, November 18, 2019

Summarizing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Summarizing - Essay Example Religious constitutions are important to these leaders because they act as their guidance. They view themselves as leaders chosen by God. Monarchy could relate its way of leadership to the supreme authority. The leadership is hereditary and remains within the family. The family members are the top organ of the country. These two types of monarchy still exist but differ in their structure. The Arabs drew a common definition to balance this Monarchies. A situation like this could use the word ‘Malik’ to balance. People say; king and Malik is both equal, and they are both important (Gause 96). Arabs have evidence on their royal titles. A person could trace the background of the title by studying the evidence, example, studying the coins (Gause 95). In ancient Arab, people did not like the Kings. Arabs did not want any form of central government. Liqah is the word used to describe people who abide by every rule of the king. Islam draws their hate of kings from the bible. They give the example of the monarchy of Israel, in the book of Hebrews. The case is not the same for all Kings. The Quran depicts David and Solomon as good kings. The only difference of determining which kingdom is good is when one contrasts kingdoms with caliph and caliphate (Gause 79). Malik depicted military leaders. Their authority was secular, where religion had no place (Gause 90). The rule had no laws from the ruler, but rather use of personal thoughts. King, as a title, was improved in terms of imperialism. After improvements, the name king improves and becomes sultan or Persian. Pedishabs self-declare themselves as emperors. They make their own rights and rules. Examples of padishans are the sultan of Turkey and Shah of Persia. The considers them great (Gause 95). Kings were coordinators of the Padishans. The title of king became so small and less influential in Muslim countries. Foreign leaders in the country were kings. Harun al-Rashid was a

Friday, November 15, 2019

Qualities required to be a Competent Change Agent

Qualities required to be a Competent Change Agent Change agents are leaders who cut across the organization and its business units without regard to the traditional hierarchy. Directly or indirectly, they implement new processes, train employees on new procedures, and act as role models to demonstrate new and better ways to work. A Change Agent is the direct liaison between the technical project team members and the end users [Gardner, J. W. (1991)]. The Change Agent understands the new business process being implemented and understands the impact of that process to the business. The role of an change agent is very important in an organization as it is not an easy task to manage a change in an organization. When there is any question arise to change in the organization that means that its need to make a change in a designed and organize fashion. It could be said with the situation of an IT project it has to change the edition of the project and also this edition should be managed properly. A change in the organization or the project could be started within the company or also may be from outside source. [Gardner, J. W. (1994)]. As an example, there is a product which is very popular among the people. But there need a change in the design of this product. [Budd, R. W., Thorp, R. K., Donohew, L. (1997)]. This is the example where there is a change initiate within the company. At this moment the main concern about this product is that how will the company respond to this change. This type of change is managed by the change management within the organization. Im mediate and as well as positive responses to this changes could be possible within the organization. Change agent: A change agent is a person whose presence or thought processes cause a change from the traditional way of handling or thinking about a problem [Jakobson, R. (1990).]. Management consultants are often hired as change agents for corporate organization development retreats. Role of a change agent: There are some roles that could be performed by the change agent. Those roles are as follows: The change agent should develop a definite change goal: By diagnosing, a change agent should find out the real issues in the organization and propose the exact and clear goal. By analyzing he or she will begin the following task: There may be some barrier to get the expected result of the organization and that should be found out. The organization should have ability to make the desired change and this should short out by the change agent. The expected future of the organization.   The real situation of the organization in the running time. The opportunities of the changes that are appear in the organization. There are specific target and dreams of the main stakeholders within the organization. To make a change, the change agent should also find those. There are some values of the organization. The problems and the issues which are presented in the organization.   Every organization have some future strategy that how will they operate the organization in next few years. The change agent should also take those in account. There may be some changes which may be occurred by the external environment there is some impact for this change in the organization and as well as the consumers. By applying those change agent could able to determine that which type of changes are necessary with in the organization. The change agent as a facilitator: The most difficult part of a change agent to make everyone involved in the process of change and make them dedicated to the necessary actions. The change agent should get himself concerned with [Budd, R. W., Thorp, R. K., Donohew, L. (1997)]: Identifying the key stakeholders of the change. Involving these stakeholders in the diagnostic process. This means helping them to achieve consensus on the changes the organisation needs to make. When done in a participative process, this helps create ownership for change. Helping the stakeholders to set clear goals for their change process. Educating these stakeholders about the changes they want to make and helping them to understand how the changes theyve selected will impact on the rest of the organisation. (systems thinking.) Helping the stakeholders to understand how these changes will benefit the company, their division and themselves. This in turn builds commitment to the change. Helping the stakeholders understand the costs of these changes to the company, their division and to themselves personally. the designer Designing a change process that will achieve specific change goals, is a creative process. This involves: Observing all the change tools and interventions that are available. Selecting those specific change tools and discoveries that will help the organization to achieve its change objectives. Creating additional activities and interventions to fill any gaps. Reviewing that each intervention supports every other intervention, and that all interventions support the companys values, strategies and plans. Arranging and integrating these interventions into one simple, seamless, step by step process. Deciding on the roles that need to be played to support the process. The project manager ..Many different roles are required for a change process to work. Often a change agent will play the role of a project manager and co-ordinate the activities of the different role players. Typical roles in a change process include [Jakobson, R. (1990).]: A change steering committee. The CEO of the company. The executive team. Regional coordinators (in large scale changes). External consultants. Internal consultants. Middle managers. Departmental or divisional change agents. Communications coordinators. Change web designers. Marketing professionals. Individuals within the company. The educator Those involved in managing the change, and those who will be affected by the change, often are surprised by their feelings when confronted by change. Resistance, frustration and confusion of common emotions associated by change [David, F. R. (1994)]. To teach the people about what types of changes are expected in the organization is one of the main duty of the change agent. Those tasks are as follows: They need to know that how can those types of emotions could be overcame also they have know the others feelings about this changes. The mental situation people will face when they need to walk under the process of changes. A change should know the way of overcoming the resistance and they should also help others to do that. A change agent should be creative to do his / her duty. They have to make a change process funny and there should be excitement within the changes. A change agent should help others to grow those feelings with them. So that they should not be scared about the change. A change must face the resistance and a change agent needs to overcome those resistances. Tools for making your change process successful. A change agent should have necessary tactics to make a change process successful. The change agent as a marketer: Sometimes they find it out that this change is only beneficial to the company but not for own self to develop his / her career. They think that this type of change is the additional work for them. The change agent who have enough skill to create the belief among the employee that the change is necessary for the organization and also for themselves [David, F. R. (1994)]. The employee of the organization will get the feelings that change is worthwhile and enjoyable for them. They will take the change as the chance to develop their skills and also the opportunities to learn some new skills. This is the option to the employee to grow their visibility in the organization. They will find the change as the experience of adventure where everyone will find out their personal skills. To do this a change agent has to apply some marketing technique within the organization. Those are as follows: [Gardner, J. W. (1991)]: The change agent should make the proper publicity among the employees. There should be an environment of contest within the organization. A change agent should get the help of various media as example theatre.   There should be some prizes based on the theme of change. There should be some reward and honor for those who participate in the process of change. The successful participators will treated as a role character in the organization. Change agent as an Inspiration agent: A change agent should help others to participate in the chage [Hanakawa, S. I. (1996)]: A change agent should help everyone to find out the skills they have in them. Everyone have the dream of the private magnitude. A change agent should help them to get this. A change agent should give courage to everyone to take the risks to make a change. That should be their magical power of making change. A change agent should help individual to get out from the resistance to change and make them successful. Everyones success how much small that may be, should be celebrated. A change agent should encourage others. There may be resistance to changes. A change agent should find out the systems in a creative way.   A change agent should recognize the obstacle that need to change the whole system. A change agent should identify the success and he / she should share with other employee in the organization to encourage them. Qualities required to become a complete change agent: A good agent should have the correct attitude to the resistance. They should have sufficient knowledge to make the changes. The correct approach towards the changes: Its not easy to make change. Its need to have good power of keeping own self patience with the changes. The change process is mix with the emotion of annoying and disappointed. A change agent should be determined to get out from those types of situation. A change agent should be faithful towards the change and they should have positive behavior with the projects. They have the necessary skills and knowledge to take the necessary steps to make a change successful. Mainly the resistance to the change came from the senior management of an organization. They have behaved sensitively to get the support from the senior management. A change agent need to make agreement with everyone in the organization and these types of deals mostly happened with the staffs who are senior in the organization. So a change agent has to behave tactfully with them because if they do not agree with the changes then the project becomes failed. A change agent should have also political knowledge. This is important because a change agent then able to know any types of ongoing circumstances within the organization carefully. Proper awareness about the change: In the sense of the business a change agent must be aware with the current situation of the business and a change agent should have sufficient knowledge in the field of business too. A change agent should have also the managerial skills. Not only this but also a change agent should have knowledge about the economic situation of the organization that means from where those funds come and how it is expend. They should make it sure that there should be minimum expenditure to bring the changes. A change agent should also aware with the consumer of the organization or the business and those who are closely related with the organization externally and the internally too. A good relation with the employee of the organization is necessary to make the changes successfully so, a change agent should make a good understanding with all the employee of the organization. The important skills of a change agent: To handle the situation under the stress a change agent should be expert enough. A change agent must be able to take care of such a condition successfully. A change agent should have good practical skills and they should able to understand the causes of such type of situation. A change agent should know the definite goal of the organization and they will work towards those goals and help everyone to reach that goal effectively. They should able to take all the pressures. They also need to be able to relate to the resistance of others, study it and make necessary changes if found valid. Communication skills are highly relevant in overcoming resistance. They should have also the following qualities: Common sense. And the courage to use it. Credibility and trust the ability to work at all levels in the organisation. Knowledge of change management. The ability to work with teams of people both inside and outside the organisation. This includes the ability to work with people across all departments.   The ability to do very unstructured work. Creativity. The ability to custom design processes to meet the goals of the organisation. Self confidence balanced by humility.   Facilitation skills Design skills. Coaching skills.   A love of innovation and new ways of doing things. A sense of humor and a sense of fun. A spirit of caring. The ability to inspire people. To bring out the magic within every individual and every team How to overcome the resistance as a change agent: To take advantage of resistance, a whole-system view is required as well as an appreciation for the interconnectedness of diverse symptoms and true root-cause problems. The Theory of Constraints (TOC) and the Thinking Processes that are part of the TOC body of knowledge provide just such a view and a set of powerful tools that can be used to not only address resistance but also use it to enhance the solution beyond the original concept. The TOC Thinking Processes are logical thinking and communication tools which, while they can be used in standalone situations, together form a coherent problem-solving and change management process. Their generic purpose is to translate intuition into a format that can be discussed rationally, questioned without offense, and modified to more fully reflect the understanding of a situation. They are used for the construction of solutions to problems as well as to facilitate communication, collaboration, and consensus among those that must be involved in its resolution. Conclusion: Change is much more than simply the vision thing. Implementing change is inter-related to scanning the environment, making an estimate of the situation, determining what direction the organization needs to take, knowing what the culture of the organization is, how to leverage that culture to help with change, and deciding what actions need to be taken to make the change. Effectively implementing change also is directly related to the leadership style of the organizations top leaders. Also, as one move through the decision making process, trying to assess the need for change, make sure you ask the questions about opportunity costs. It is important to assess the costs of change as well as the cost of not changing. A change process is nothing but a condition when its need to solve it. A change may be need because there may be a problem occurred in the organization. A change agent need to aware about the situation and they should help it out to solve the problem. It is their responsibility to make everything in under control in the organization. A successful change agent is he / she who can do it. A change process can be seen as a leaving the present state and entering to a new state through some organized process.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

An Analysis of the Epic Poem, Beowulf - Bravery in Beowulf :: Epic of Beowulf Essays

Bravery in Beowulf Bravery is like a very trusted friend, it will never let you down. That statement holds true in the great epic of "Beowulf." "Beowulf" is the story of a great hero who comes to the aid of a troubled king. Beowulf hears that king Hrothgar is having trouble and immediately comes to help with no questions asked. he defeats the monster, Grendel, with his bare hands. Beowulf then defeats Grendel's mother along with a dragon until he is fatally injured. Bravery is a very admirable characteristic that few people possess. First of all, Beowulf came to help Hrothgar on his own free will. Hearing of the troubles that Hrothgar was having with a monster terrorizing Herot, his mead hall, Beowulf bravely offered his help not knowing what he was up against. When he arrived, Beowulf did not ask the king for either money nor fame. The only favor that he asked of Hrothgar was that he and his men were to fight the monster, Grendel. Coming away from one's homeland to help get rid of a man-eating monster and asking for nothing in return takes much courage and is an extremely brave deed. Next, Beowulf decides to fight Grendel with his bare hands. He could have easily obtained some kind of weapon to fight with. Beowulf was the first warrior ever to have enough sheer bravery to go up against such a monster with neither help nor weapon or shield to aid him. he was a warrior that believed somewhat in fate and in God. Believing that God made the decisions and was in control, Beowulf trusted that his life was in good hands. Defeating Grendel with his bare hands, Beowulf not only proved his bravery but also his loyalty. After defeating Grendel, Beowulf came back twice in order to kill Grendel's mother and a fire-breathing dragon. Although during his bout with the dragon, Beowulf was fatally injured. As his services were needed, he always prevailed; Beowulf's bravery never tired. He even had to fight and kill these monsters in their homes where nobody had ever ventured. Successfully defeating Grendel's mother lead Beowulf into his third and final battle with the last monster.

Monday, November 11, 2019

American Social History Essay

Immigration occurs when people from other countries enter another country to seek employment and live there permanently. The United States opened its doors to immigrants but only to a certain limit that is determined annually. Immigration has been an issue that the government is trying to address as the growing population of immigrants has affected the people and economy of the country. Immigration has both benefits and negative effects. Isaac Hourwich, a labor economist argues against the restrictions of immigration in America.With regard to the exacerbating conflict in immigration, the international market has contributed much to it. The severe damage and breakdown of economies around the world including the social and political structures have made the lives of people more difficult. The destruction of the environment is also a problem since resources are slowly drying up in other ares. People can no longer survive in their own countries. The deficits in the national budget and th e rising debt have led to the financial crises in most nations.Programs for structural adjustment have been prioritized instead of social programs because this is a requirement for countries in making international loans. This neglect in the social conditions of the countries have led people to migrate to more stable economies. Improvements and advancements in transportation and communication have provided more opportunities for people to migrate especially if they are living under such poor conditions. The reports of the Dillingham Commission, a commission created by Senator Dillingham, on industries did not take into consideration the reaction of the American workers.Immigration hurt the workers in so many ways and this was reflected in racial terms. The book of Isaac Hourwich, â€Å"Immigration and Labor†, answered the report of the Dillingham Commission. Hourwich argued that the massive unemployment in 1912 was due to the inconsistencies in the demand distribution because of the effects of the business life cycles and the presence of seasonal industries (1912). Immigration was capable of supplying a great but unnecessary unskilled workers that can cause the stimulation of the industries.Hourwich also argued that restrictions on immigration will not help in the improvement of American workers. Changes in technology and prices were the factors that greatly affect the wages of American workers. Restrictions will only affect the labor or union movement and capital will be taken outside of the country. Hourwich also further declared that the assumptions of America regarding the labor market and immigration were not correct. One assumption is that because of immigration, too many people are going after a small number of jobs – the result of which causes wages to fall.Critics of the immigration policy wanted to restrict if not ban it in the country. Hourwich argues that immigration restriction is not the answer. The rate of economic expansion is far greater that the rate of immigration. He went on to support his statements with economic data he gathered from state and federal governments. Immigration occurs in free and open capitalist economies such as the United States. Immigration responds to the demands of labor. When the demand for labor increases, the occurrence of immigration will also increase.The rise and fall of the demand for labor is an effect of broader economic activities. According to Hourwich, the immigrant labor supply is dependent on free competition in the market. The immigrant labor supply can be likened to any other commodity. There are times when the supply will exceed demand and some instances may show that demand exceeds supply. However, in the long run, the labor supply will be able to self-adjust with demand. Immigration does not displace American workers (Hourwich 1912). Hourwich reminded critics of immigration that capital is broad and international.The rate of production has developed in the United States because of capital brought in a sufficient labor supply. If however, a shortage of labor will be created because of immigration restrictions, this would result in the increase of wages and profits will decrease below the average of other nations. The scenario can only stimulate more American capital to make an investment elsewhere in foreign markets. The American industries will slow down. Capital will take advantage of the industrial development of other countries who provide cheap but skilled labor.American commodities produced by better paid American workers cannot compete in the global market because of the presence of products made by Siberian or Mexican laborers financed by American capital. The competition will result in the displacement of some American workers. The normal ratio between the active labor and reserve labor will be restored which is significant to the development of the industrial system in the United States (Hourwich 1912). If locals or native Americans will compete with immigrants in terms of labor, locals would have to reduce their expectations for a higher salary.Employers might want to hire immigrants more because they would only pay for low wages. Immigration increases the supply of labor. More and more people are competing for jobs. It is more difficult for natives or locals to start a small business because competition is high in the job market and they are forced to settle for low wages in order to have a job. Immigrants are also determined and motivated to succeed in the United States because they left their home country for a better life and even support family members back home.This drive makes them save more and spend less for the future. For them, getting lower wages will only lead to something great in the long run. Setting up a small business is not that hard to do once a person has the capital or the funds to support it. Immigrant business owners may not be afraid to take risks because operating a business of their own is a dream. They would have to take risks to see if they will succeed. As more new businesses open, this increases the competition in the market.Locals will have more to worry about as the products and services that are offered by the immigrants may be better and unique than their own. Hourwich and his arguments provided valuable insights on the negative effects of immigration restriction to the American economy in general. The restriction of immigration does not reduce employment and raise wages in the long run as previously explained in the discussion. Immigration is necessary to America's industrial economy. Reference Hourwich, I. (1912) ‘Immigration and labor: The economic aspects of European immigration to the United States', University of California

Friday, November 8, 2019

Economic Indicators essays

Economic Indicators essays The million (or should we say 'billion' now) dollar question is whether or not the United States' economy will stay in it's record 107 month expansion (according to the index of leading indicators) or come out of the boom and take a downturn into a recession. Nobody, including the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan has a crystal ball to provide insight as to what will happen if interest rates are raised, lowered, or left alone. However, Economists have developed a set of indicators to aid in predicting when a recession is about to occur and when the economy is in one. Indicators should not be mistaken for predictors. They are simply forecasting tools, and like any forecast can be misleading. The index of leading indicators that is reported in the popular press shows our economy is still in an expansion. For the purposes of our evaluation of the economy, we chose the Principle Economic Indicators tracked by the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the U.S. Census Bureau under the Economics and Statistics Administration at the U.S. Department of Commerce. There are thirteen Principle Economic Indicators, and they fall into five major categories: National Output and Income; Orders, Sectoral Production, and Inventories; Consumer Spending; Housing and Construction; and Foreign Trade. The first of the five major categories directly relates to measuring the growth of the U.S. economy. National Output and Income consists of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Personal Income, and Corporate Profits measurements. GDP is the primary measurement of growth and measures the total amount of goods and services produced by governments, businesses, people, and property located within the United States. Both real (adjusted for inflation) and nominal (current value in dollars) data is collected for computing the GDP. The base year for the real data is 1997. The GDP is normally reported as an annualized quarter-to-quarter change. ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Media Analysis

. The article seemed to express the notion that it was the US that led all these charges against Iran. While in all three articles they talked about how the US was the one who initially got the ball rolling, The London paper was the only one who stopped there. The Boston Globe article along with the Billings Gazette talked about reactions of other governments from around the world. The Globe article discussed statements made by Foreign Secretary Jack Straw of Britain, Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer from Berlin, Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, and IAEA chief Mohammed Elbarade... Free Essays on Media Analysis Free Essays on Media Analysis Media Analysis and Report This report is about the current agreement Iran has made with the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The basic compromise was that Iran would suspend uranium enrichment and allow UN inspectors unrestricted access to its nuclear facilities. Iran is saying that their nuclear program is strictly a peaceful program designed to produce power for its people. Many nations including the US believe that the program is just a disguise for their nuclear weapons program. The US government has led the action to try to get Iran to stop nuclear production but it took three European foreign ministers who visited Tehran and pressed the demands laid out by the UN’s IAEA for Iran to agree to cooperate. I picked three somewhat different newspaper articles on the same subject to try to explain the different viewpoints from different agency’s and different countries. The Billings Gazette’s (Billings, MT) article was titled Iran will suspend uranium enrichment, allow spot checks of its nuclear program. The other US based newspaper I used was The Boston Globe and the name of that article is Pressed, Iran offers nuclear concession. The last article I will be referencing is Iran agrees to checks on nuclear program from the London Free Press. Out of all of the articles the one from London is by far the shortest at 261 words. The article seemed to express the notion that it was the US that led all these charges against Iran. While in all three articles they talked about how the US was the one who initially got the ball rolling, The London paper was the only one who stopped there. The Boston Globe article along with the Billings Gazette talked about reactions of other governments from around the world. The Globe article discussed statements made by Foreign Secretary Jack Straw of Britain, Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer from Berlin, Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, and IAEA chief Mohammed Elbarade...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Midterm exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Midterm exam - Assignment Example The new constitution, of the Second Republic, established a strong Executive, and also a President elected through popular vote by universal male suffrage, instead of the National Assembly. In the election held on December 10-11, 1884, five candidates participated; they included Lois Napoleon, General Cavaignac, Lamartine, Alexandre Auguste Ledru-Rollin, and Raspail. The election campaign of Napoleon appealed to the left and the right. His manifesto supported family, religion, property, and eternal basis of social order; in addition to providing more work, ensuring comfortable old age for workers, and introducing favorable industrial laws. The election results were announced on December 20, 1884 and Louis Napoleon won with 5,572,834 votes, 74.2 % of total votes cast. After the victory, he immediately moved to the Elysee Palace (Spitzer 36). Louis Napoleon became Napoleon III on December 2, 1852. Following official request by for the Empire’s return, the Senate organized a referendum to be held on November 21-22, 1852, concerning making Napoleon emperor. 97% of voters voted in favor of the referendum, this represents 7,824,129 votes. Hence on December 2, 1852 the second republic ended and the Empire was restored. The referendum victory, therefore, introduced the Second French Empire; and the President’s title changed to Emperor Napoleon III (Spitzer 40). The main priority of Emperor Napoleon III was modernizing the French economy, which was behind the economy of United Kingdom and some German states. Napoleon IIII wanted the government to have an active role in the improvement of the economy. He advocated for the government enhancing infrastructure necessary for economic growth. He ensured the rebuilding of central Paris; this rebuilding enhanced commercial innovation and expansion. Borne Marche, the first departmental store in Paris was opened din 1852. The Emperor opened the French market to

Friday, November 1, 2019

Morality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Morality - Essay Example f Catholic moral thinking. Reason informed faith The Catholic Church worked to cease the dichotomy of rational morality and faith morality, otherwise understood as pure humanism and sectarianism (Gula, 1989, p. 1). For the believer, faith and reason can be integrated in its moral tradition to make Christian teachings more understandable for non-believers as well. This is also explicated in Humanae Vitae published in 1968 which pointed that natural law is further made significant by divine revelations as well as in the scriptural writings (Gula, 1989, p. 1). The latter upholds that the moral principles can be taught, using logical inferences of reason, from the perspective of faith (Gula, 1989, p. 32) The bishops have likewise applied this moral framework to resolve the issues on homosexuality which articulated the rational capacity of human beings to understand gender and sexuality; illumined by faith (Gula, 1989, p. 25). This theological position of the issues of morality is also ap plicable to the problems and issues of bioethics, scientific innovation, and other development which put the Christian teachings under social and moral dilemma. Notwithstanding the pressures, the church consistently stood for the dignity of creation and the need to respect human rights. As such, the Catholic Church maintained that such human dignity cannot only be understood separately by reason but by unquestioning faith with conviction that dignity is a gift of God given to any person, even if the same be interpreted using the laws of nature. As such, every person needs to possess an informed faith, illumined by reason, to understand the strategic goal of moral life and on how to behave well as a moral agent. Every Catholic believer must be imbued with wisdom about the role of being as a moral agent. And, as a faithful, must have a reference which served as the criteria for moral judgment (Gula, 1989, p. 9; Blair, 2010, p 1). Common issues with humanity Like other institutions on earth, the Catholic Church is also mocked and rocked with variegated issues (Hamilton, 2013, p. 1). There were instances when the church is being subject of corruption, sexuality, questionable financial relations with state agents, and other social issues such as their involvement in extractive industries, in corporate leveraging, and in amassing real estate properties at the expense of those property-less and those that are bereft of economic capacity to meet even the most fundamental need—food (Hamilton, 2013, p. 1). The resignation of previous Pope was even controversially tagged with varied issues on corruption and political machinations due to some alleged transactions done. There were many priests that were allegedly responsible on sexual relations, which violated the dignity of women;

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Phase response curves to light and to melatonin Essay

Phase response curves to light and to melatonin - Essay Example In human light PRC (Figure 1), the y-axis of the PRC shows the direction and relative magnitude of the phase shift in hours induced by light exposure (solid line). Circadian Time Zero (CT0) corresponds to 11:00 am and CT22-CT18 is the duration for day time activity. The black bar, which indicates the time period between 12:00 midnight – 8:00am, along x-axis represents the duration for sleeping. Bright light treatment causes the phase-delay of circadian phase, which is represented by the area from CT10 to CT18. During this period, bright light treatment causes later onset of sleeping/awakening cycle. As time progresses from CT10, stronger effect on phase-delay is observed. At CT18, this phase-delay effect is changed dramatically to phase-advancing effect. The peak phase-advancing effect coincides with sunrise. From CT18 to CT3, bright light treatment induces phase-advancing effect, causing earlier onset of sleeping / awakening cycle. This effect gradually decreases from CT19 to CT3. As noted in the graph, little or no effect is observed when bright light treatment is applied from CT14 to CT20, in which this time period corresponds to 2:00pm to 8:00pm. The intensity of the light used in bright light treatment can have direct effect on the magnitude of the phase advancement or delay. ... After this time point, this effect decreases to the lowest point to CT12. It should be noted that during this time period, bright light treatment has no phase-shifting effect on circadian rhythm. From CT18 to CT0, melatonin administration induces a phase-delay effect on circadian rhythm, however, this effect is relatively small when compared with the phase advancing effect induced by bright light treatment. From 2 hours before the onset of sleeping (CT12) onwards until time of sunrise (CT18), administration of melatonin does not exert any effect on circadian rhythm. This time duration coincides with phase delaying effect of bright light treatment. b. Using this knowledge of the phase response curves to light and to melatonin, design a protocol to alleviate the effects of jet lag when travelling from London Singapore (8 time zones eastward) The flights for travelling from London to Singapore are available both in the morning and at night. The local time in Singapore is ahead of London by 8 hours (8 time zones eastward). Assuming there are two flights travelling from London to Singapore, one flight has the depart time at 11:00 am (London local time) and arrive in Singapore at 7:00 am (Singapore local time, one day ahead); the other flight departs at 22:00 pm (London local time) and arrives at 18:00 pm (Singapore local time, one day ahead). The total duration of the flight is approximately 13 hours. The circadian rhythm may be entrained by advance or delay the sleep/awake cycle and both intake of melatonin at about 4 hours before to its natural peak in the circadian cycle or bright light treatment may induce an advance response (3). The following protocol is devised from

Monday, October 28, 2019

School Event Essay Example for Free

School Event Essay This was a very interesting post!! I am high school math teacher in an urban district and I think the students need a detox at the beginning of the year. I think the most frightening thing is how many students just â€Å"hate† school. I think educators in my school district have been lead to believe that we start teaching subject skills on day 1. We don’t always have the chance to get to know our students on day one except for their names and maybe their birthdates. I really appreciate the links to the tools you use during your detox week. We have personal learning plans for our students using our district wide online system but they are very tedious and it’s more of chore for the students because the questions focus on short and long term goals and some of them just haven’t thought about goals for themselves. I think if schools spent time getting to know their students we could avoid a lot of the misbehavior. I also think that some teachers don’t want to get to know their students because teaching is just a paying job. Teachers need to be detox as well, we could have talks during our first few days of professional development with teachers to help them let go some of negative feelings they have against their students. I don’t know if I could go ice blocking with my students but I wonder if my school could start off the school year with a spirit week instead of at the middle of or end of the school year. I think most students would like to see their teachers have a little fun instead of viewing them as the wardens at the state prison. I think the first impressions dictate how people will treat us in the future so why not share a smile and then talk about classroom environments that function safely and productively for all.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Death Of A Salesman - Willys I :: essays research papers

“Willy Loman is destroyed by his own ideals'; Willy Loman is a travelling salesman who has worked for the Wagner firm for 34 years. He is now 61 years old and his job has been taken off salary and put on commission. He has a family and he boasts to them that he is “vital in New England,'; but in fact he isn’t vital anywhere. Willy has many strong beliefs that he strives to achieve. He wants to own his own business and he wants to be “bigger than Uncle Charley'; and especially he wants to be a great success and he tries to emulate Dave Singleman. He wishes to die the “Death of a Salesman'; and have many buyers and salesmen mourn for him. He also tries to be a good father, and husband. However Willy’s aims in life have been useless as he hasn’t really achieved anything. He got fired by Howard, his sons are both failures and they abandoned him in a restaurant toilet. His relationship with his wife is plagued by his guilt for committing adultery. He has to borrow $50 a week from Charley. He can’t even keep his mind on one thing for a long time. He can’t drive a car. Willy gets so fed up with all of these things that he want’s to commit suicide and eventually, he does. This topic suggests that Willy’s deterioration occurs because the principals he believes in. To a large extent this is true. After 34 years of Willy’s life, he loses his job. To a normal person under normal circumstances, being retrenched is a time when you feel useless. But for Willy, since everything else is going wrong at the same time, he feels like a useless old man. Willy thought that just because he named his boss, that he would have a secure future with the company but as Charley said “them things don’t mean anything? You named him Howard, but you can’t sell that.'; Even though Willy wasn’t even getting paid a salary, Howard didn’t want him to even represent the company in case Willy “cracked up'; again. Although Willy is mostly destroyed by his own ideals there are other things that destroy him as well, like Howard, Happy and Biff. Willy is emotionally destroyed when Howard fires him. Then, both of his sons disown and abandon him in Frank’s Chop House. Both Happy and Biff left their father talking to himself in the bathroom while they wanted to have a good night out with the girls.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Human Gene Therapy :: Science Genetics Papers

Human Gene Therapy Each of us carry about half a dozen defective genes. Most of us do not suffer any harmful effects from our defective genes because we carry two copies of nearly all genes, one derived from our mother and the other from our father. Because in the majority of cases, the potentially harmful gene is recessive, its normal counterpart will carry out all the tasks assigned to both. Only if we inherit from our parents two copies of the same recessive gene will a disease develop. Every year a considerable number of children are born with a genetic disease, a disease that occurs because each of their parents carries a defect in the same gene (Rigby 1995). The most common disease of this sort, with about couple thousand affected children born each year, is cystic fibrosis, which leads to a clogging of the lungs, and to problems with digestion and other functions. Although improvements in care and treatment mean that people with cystic fibrosis can now live for up to twenty-five years, there is no cure. A much rarer but nevertheless well known disease, is severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). SCID children with this condition have a defect in both copies of a gene which is required for the proper functioning of the immune system. The children can be kept alive but they have to live in sterile plastic bubbles to isolate them from bacteria and viruses. These children would die of infections which would only keep the rest of us in bed for a couple of days. Again , while there are treatments, there is no cure. However, in simple terms the cure is obvious. If the children are ill because they have two bad copies of a gene, it follows that if we could give them a good copy of the gene they would then be like their parents and be healthy. This very obvious idea is called gene therapy. Concept of Gene Therapy Gene therapy is the insertion of a functioning gene into the cells of a patient to correct an inborn error of metabolism or to provide a new function in a cell. This is a very broad definition that includes the potential treatment of essentially all types of human disease through the genetic modification of cells of the human body to prevent or eliminate disease. There are two main types of gene therapy, germinal cell and somatic cell gene therapy (Culver 1996).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Learning is a major part of life. Essay

People tend to learn in every steps of their life. Learning does not necessarily involve complex terms, it can also be primitive things that keeps happening in day to day life of an individual. Everybody has different interest, likewise they have a different pattern of learning things. Some people learn faster through visual medium, some through audio, and some just writing down the things depending upon what the subject matter is. I believe that learning process does not start when one settles in a formal environment but it start right from the birth of an individual. Walking, talking, decision making etc. are some examples including every other primary things are the result of learning. Every time anyone has to acquire a new skills, they need to be focused and scrutinize the subject matter thoroughly, that is how learning happens. Learning affects the confidence of a person as well. If someone learn things quickly than they have higher confidence in doing things and learning new things as well. After going through the video couple of times I realized that one who puts hard work and devotion in learning new things can automatically adapt into the ways the things are done and will become successful. I myself am very much interested in music and vaguely inspired by the beauty of it. I think music can be the most influential thing in an individual life. Music can make a person relax after a hard day at work, cure the illness, provides maximum level of comfort to an individual. Being so much influenced on music I have managed to learn a very few instruments and it always gives me pleasure and comfort when I am playing them. But I do not want to stop here. I want to learn more about music. I want to be able to read the music and understand every keys and notation in it. I want to be a musician like David Gilmour from the greatest band ever, â€Å"Pink Floyd,† who is able to play any string musical instrument that exists in planet today. I am currently doing my major in Business with Information Technology however in order to fulfill my ambition in music I have also planned to take music as my minor subject and later on carry it as my profession along with my  Business major degree. It is very much important to me because of my vague interest in it, but mostly it makes me very happy. Finally, I am profoundly inspired from the video that I just watched and it helped me to boost up my morale. I do have much respect for the people attempting to make things happen and these people are just one of those few who dare to take the challenges and do something that makes difference to others.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Fighting Cowards essays

Fighting Cowards essays The soil of the United States has been blessed for many years; we as a people do not deal with an onslaught of wide spread attacks on a day to day basis. People of the United States are fortunate that their largest doses of fear are presented through their harmless entertainment centers. Other country citizens are not so fortunate they awake everyday in the real fear of death and destruction from an unnamed and unseen killer, we in the United States refer to as terrorism. In the past the sneaky head of terrorism has entered the United Sates and the American public was quickly lulled to sleep by the media portraying it as an isolated instance. Our government has continued to keep quite the real threat that is continually eliminated on a day to day basis. Thus leaving the American public with a false since of security in there daily lives. Until the 11 of September 2001 when the American people were awaken from their naive slumber, the over 6000 casualties can not be referred to as an Isolated instance the American slumber has been replaced by an angry reality. Terrorism has revealed the Achilles tendon of the American impenetrable armor. The American government must look into the impossible task of defending against and enemy that wishes not to be seen and offering reasonable protection while still affording the freedoms, which America was founded on. In the House of Representatives on April 6, 2000 A bill was proposed and passed to amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for improved Federal efforts to prepare for and respond to terrorist attacks, and for other purposes. The President should strengthen Federal interagency emergency planning by the Federal 9 Emergency Management Agency and other appro- 10 Private Federal, State, and local agencies for develop- 11 ment of a capability for early detection and warning 12 of and response to potential domestic terrorist at- 13 ta...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Memory for Designs Test

Memory for Designs Test Introduction The examination of the functioning of the memory of an individual cannot be limited to only one memory test, and as a result, there are a variety of assessments that target the various features of the memory. Memory test procedures take into consideration various attributes including features of the test instrument such as legitimacy and consistency of results.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Memory for Designs Test specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Tests should ideally sample a variety of non-related features of the memory to make sure that particular inadequacies in the memory can be identified. In addition to this, aspects of recall and recognition should be tested, as a way to monitor memory processes in relation to memory indicators (Dustman Beck, 1980). It has been observed that most of the memory encounters are incidental as opposed to premeditated. In view of this, one of the tests admin istered should be unexpected, to prevent rehearsal. Some tests are administered through visual aspects, ignoring auditory-verbal presentation modes as well as motor-retrieval response modes. To make certain that the results obtained are well- founded, the person administering the tests should sample an appropriately broad range of test behaviors. Computerized testing has a number of drawbacks including time consuming and high cost of setting up the system (Dustman Beck, 1980). Memory for designs test The Memory for designs test was designed by Graham and Kendall, in 1946. The test examines visual recall of an individual based on brain damage versus functional disorder versus normality. It is a popular test for the examination of brain damage in children and adults. The scoring system allows the accumulation of normative data (Graham Kendall, 1947). Administration of the test The test is administered by presenting a series of fifteen geometric designs of increasing difficulty on in dividual cards. The cards are nine by twelve inch pieces of paper, with all designs drawn on the same piece of paper. Each design is presented to the individual alone, in a prearranged sequence. The subject is supposed to view the design for five seconds before it is removed from his view. The tests duration is about five to ten minutes (Erickson Scott, 1977). Development of the test The memory test was intended to draw the line and distinguish between individuals who are organically impaired and those who are functionally impaired. The inability to reproduce geometric designs from immediate memory is related to organic impairment.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More After the test was introduced, forty designs were set and administered to a few individuals who had brain damage. The final set of tests included those designs that were found to be easiest to score as we ll as discriminate best between groups. The test has since been used with all age groups for both clinical and research purposes (Erickson Scott, 1977). Sample According to Graham and Kendell (1960), there were a variety of samples such as the original validation group and a cross-validation group. In the original group, there were 70 brain-disorder patients with mixed diagnoses and 70 controls. They were all matched for age, education and occupational status. The original group included an equal number of males and females, as well as African Americans. The age bracket of the subjects was 9 to 69 years, with an average age of 42 years. The average educational level was eighth grade. The latter group comprised 33 brain-disordered patients and 168 control patients. There were three times as many men as women, with an average age of 28 years for the controls and 37 years for the brain-disordered subjects. Both groups had an average education of ninth grade (Peterson Mangen, 1981). S coring, scale norms and distribution According to the criteria provided by Graham and Kendall (1960), each reproduction has a score of 0-3, whereby the highest score signifies the worst performance. There was no penalty due to incomplete or forgotten designs. This is because the variables did not distinguish brain damaged subjects from control subjects. Reliability tests According to Graham and Kendell (1960), the split half reliability was .92 for 140 brain-damaged patients. Test-retest correlations conducted in the same session or within a 24 hour period for other groups ranged between .81 and .90. The clinical usefulness of the test is based on the adequacy of its standardization for various age groups as well as a variety of non-brained-damaged, psychiatric individuals. The reliability of the scoring is suitable based on data provided in the test manual. In addition to this, new studies on the reliability have found it satisfactory. Qualitative scores are possible based on a mea sure of the tendency to rotate the designs, whereby the error can be reliably calculated (Graham Kendall, 1947). The age standardization for normal adults is adequate though the normative data that is available for different functional psychiatric groups is not. It has been observed that some functional psychiatric disorders produce lower scores on the MFD test, though there are no age norms for representative populations of functional psychiatric disorders.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Memory for Designs Test specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This poses a challenge in the omission of the presence of a specific functional psychiatric disorder as a substitute explanation of a poor score based on the presently available norms, unless the alternative was eliminated on a different basis (Peterson Mangen, 1981). Validity tests An analysis of a large number of tests conducted on a sample of a hundred people t o diagnose brain damage showed a +.597 for the memory for designs test on the first factor. This was interpreted as perceptual organization or the ability to integrate the relevant aspects of the perceptual field. Based on the perceptual organization factor, a memory aspect was observed from the tests, proving that perceptual organization was able to facilitate performance when memory was involved (Peterson Mangen, 1981). The MFD test has been proven to always differentiate between groups of patients known without any doubt to have brain damage, as well as to match groups of normal people and psychiatric patients thought not to be brain damaged. According to the definition of brain damage, that it is any amount of cell death in the cerebral cortex irrespective of the cause, every person aged above 30 years would be brain damaged. Some forms of birth trauma, childhood injuries and anoxia cause cell death in many normal children, though the damage is insignificant since it does not r esult in impairment (Richie Butler, 1964). Predictive validity According to data presented in the Graham and Kendall ( 1960) test manual, a significant mean score difference between a group of brain-damaged and normal individuals, at the 0.01 level. This indicated an overlap in the scores of the non-brain-damaged and brain damaged groups that caused difficulties in coming up with a decision on the performance of borderline people. An example was the cut-off point whereby 4% of the controls were diagnosed as having brain damage. Out of these, half of the brain-damaged subjects in one group and 48% in another group were designated with brain damage. The other cut-off point made for varied combinations of correct identifications, errors and false positives (Richie Butler, 1964). Convergent validity According to Warren and Mangen, the memory for designs test correlated .85 and .81 with scores on the Bender Gestalt test.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Usability on older populations The test is timed. In addition to this, manual coordination is required. The involvement of these factors implies that the aged may be handicapped. Sensitivity to age difference According to Peterson and Mangen, there was a significant correlation between performance and age, of 0.27. This implied that an increase in age of the subject corresponded to poorer performance of the subject. There was also a correlation of -.31 of the MFD test scores with intelligence. Assessment by the vocabulary score on the Wechsler-Bellevue showed a significant multiple correlation of .44 with age and intelligence (Peterson Mangen, 1981). According to a study conducted on psychiatric patients aged above 60 years, 36 brain damaged and 36 controls, there was a considerable difference in the mean scores, which was not as high as that between, brain-damaged and standardization groups of younger ages. The mean scores were 8.44 and 13.89, while the SD was 6.33 and 5.81 for th e controls and brain-damaged group respectively. There was a big difference between this age group and all younger control groups, though the difference with the scores of adults between the ages of 20 and 60 did not vary much. The confounding factor was that the controls over 60 years had a decline in vocabulary scores that was the same as that of the brain-damaged groups, which yielded negative results for the younger ages. This signified that the use of psychiatric controls for the older age-group would be unsuitable (Dustman Beck, 1980). According to another study conducted for subjects between the age of 20 and 80, with 50 men and 40 men in each constituent decade, the performance of older age groups on the MFD was observed to be stable until the age of fifty, after which there was a fast decline and increased variability in subjects’ performances (Peterson Mangen, 1981). Conclusion The test’s reliability and validity are good, since it discriminates in a ration al manner between groups with brain damage and normal groups. The test has limitations when conducted on aged subjects since it requires manual coordination. In addition to this, it is timed and the performance correlates with age and intelligence. Unusual scores signify damage in a specific cortical area, which in turn signifies a formerly particular dysfunction. It could be translated to mean a shortened life expectancy, though the MFD is hardly translated to imply such occurrences. Studies have shown an insignificant correlation between MFD score and a rating of severity of brain damage according to certain assessment criteria such as EFG (Peterson Mangen, 1981). Other studies have also shown a wide range of MFD scores when the test is administered to a psychiatric group whose brain damage status is uncertain, resulting in no conclusions from the features shown by the group. One practical consequence of an abnormal MFD score which has been demonstrated is that the patient is lik ely also to have abnormal scores on several other tests of brain damage such as the Bender Gestalt Test, and the Benton Visual Retention Test. An abnormal MFD score might enable the clinical psychologist to identify a previously unknown pattern of associated psychological abnormalities which might have implications for the adjustment of the patient. Another useful implication of an abnormal MFD score among children is that one might anticipate difficulties in learning to read, as suggested by several studies (Erickson Scott, 1977). References Dustman, R. E., Beck, E. C. (1980). Memory-For-Designs Test: comparison of performance of young and old adults. Journal of Clinical Psychology , 36(3), 770-774. Erickson, R. C., Scott, M. L. (1977). Clinical Memory Testing. Psychological Bulletin , 1130-1149. Graham, F., Kendall, B. (1947). Memory-For-Designs Test. Journal of Consulting Psychology , 11(6). Peterson, W. A., Mangen, D. J. (1981). Research Instruments in Social Gerontology: C linical and Social Psychology (Clinical Social Psychology). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Richie, J., Butler, A. (1964). Performance of retardates on the memory-for-designs test. Journal of Clinical Psychology , 20(1), 108-110.